About Me

Hi there, thanks for visiting this page & interested to know more about me.

I’m Jitendra Zaa, a Certified Technical Architect and 9-time Salesforce MVP working on the Salesforce Platform since 2008. I have around 32 Salesforce Certifications & few Accredited Partner Credentials. In 2016, I got a chance to write a book on Apex design patterns. I have also created a video course on Udemy around Mastering Salesforce DX, which I think is an important topic for any Architect to know in depth. I have been a technical reviewer of many Salesforce books like Enterprise Patterns in Salesforce, Introduction to Chatter, Visualforce Cookbook, Mastering Salesforce CRM Administration, etc.

I take pride in working with customers to solve the most challenging problems in their organization around Salesforce implementations. Currently, I’m leading Salesforce Technical Architects in IBM, North America Region. I’m responsible for setting up best practices, and processes, enabling Architects on the latest and greatest features on the platform, conducting Architect Review Boards, and trying to build one of the best Salesforce Delivery teams.

When I get time, I try to help future CTA’s in their journey with the help of my buddies at CTAGoF.com.

Feel free to book a 1:1 session today if you need any guidance in your career or CTA journey or if you need some assistance in deciding on solutions.

Jitendra Zaa - Salesforce MVP, Platform Architect
Jitendra Zaa – Salesforce MVP, Platform Architect

Writing technical blogs, learning new programming languages, and frameworks, and sharing my findings with others are some of my hobbies. The more I learn, the more I understand how little I know, and that drives me to dig into technology and languages to explore.

All the articles written are from my past experience and learning. I would never write a blog post for the sake of writing. Trailhead is a great resource if you want to know anything about programming, configuration, integrations, etc in Salesforce.

I have working experience with many programming languages and technologies besides Salesforce, including Java, C#, ASP.Net, PHP, Python, etc. You can find some of my public repositories on my GitHub account, feel free to drop a comment if you need any assistance on those repositories.

Book a 1:1 Session with me Today

Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer or Salesforce.com.


58 responses to “About Me”

  1. RAGAJYOTHI Avatar


    I’ve just started with Salesforce. I wanna learn everything in depth. Ur blog is very helpful. Request you to kindly help me out in gaining the knowledge. I need your help.

    1. JitendraZaa Avatar

      Thanks Ragajyothi, You can post questions here and i will try to answer.. Or you can also use http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/

      1. RAGAJYOTHI Avatar

        Thanks a lot JitendraZaa.

  2. sagi Avatar

    Hi I saw your post setting up Live agent, its very good! I am new to Salesforce Admin and I need to setup a Live Agent to my customer. Can you teach me how to setup Live agent pre-chat form in HTML? My customer wanted to embed this Live agent pre-chat in their website. I search through online all is saying in apex visualforce page and i have no idea how to do it in HTML.

    my mail: kame87@gmail.com

    Thx in advance!

    1. JitendraZaa Avatar

      Dont worry about Visualforce 🙂 It is just HTML. Only HTML knowledge is needed for Pre chat in VF.

  3. sagar 123 Avatar
    sagar 123

    hi Jitendra
    Good morning
    i learned salesforce in hyderabad, can u send me please updated notes

  4. sadre Avatar

    hi Jitendra Sir
    Good morning
    i learned salesforce in delhi, can u send me please updated Interview Quation

  5. krishna Avatar

    Design a admin page through visualforce

    Here is my Requiremennt.

    (show on left corner top like our salesforce administration page)

    XYZ Admin Setup

    –> status
    — progress
    — completed
    –> type
    — project type

    All are custom objects using in my project.

    when we click the status arrow below it shows the progress…

    Please help me ASAP with code…

  6. Hari Avatar

    Hi jitendra
    Can you help me for the snmp4j iam new for this now i have to implement this in my project

  7. Vijaya murugan Avatar
    Vijaya murugan

    Hi can you help out to create managed packages automatically using Ant migration tool

  8. Manjunath Tj Avatar
    Manjunath Tj

    Hi Jitendra,

    Have gone through your article on “Create Salesforce online IDE in 30 minutes”. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    Regards, Manju

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Thanks for your kind words Manjunath

  9. Navor Nuñez Peredo Avatar
    Navor Nuñez Peredo

    Hi Jitendra.

    I saw that you published an article about CI for salesforce and I think this plugin is something that you will like.
    Enforce is a gradle and jenkins plugin that helps on Salesforce continuous integration process, maybe you could be interest to try it.

    gradle-plugin: https://github.com/fundacionjala/enforce-gradle-plugin
    jenkins-plugin: https://github.com/fundacionjala/enforce-jenkins-plugin
    MIT License

    If you have any question/comment just let me know.

    Skype: navor.nunez

  10. amit Avatar


    I need to know my this requirement ,Please see my requirement and
    suggest me. Please provide me step for this requirement

    of requirements:

    1. Bidirectional(Rest API) integration between
    Salesforce and Woocommerce.

    2. When an order is placed in WooCommerce, it
    creates a few things in Salesforce

    a. It looks to see if the customer
    exists (query against person accounts) based on a customer ID. If the customer
    does not exist, it creates a person account.

    b. It creates an Order
    record (see below) that includes all details from the order that took

    c. It creates order line items, each with a look up relationship to
    a product that exists in the Salesforce database

    3. If a customer calls
    in to make changes, they need to be able to push these changes back into
    Woocommerce from Salesforce. This would include changes to basic contact
    details, or changes to membership status (in the membership and renewals section
    on the account)

    4. There are a number of different classes that already
    exist that will need to be deactivated as well, which were providing integration
    functionality previously

    provide me guide or step for this.

    & Regards

    Amit Kumar

  11. Sachin Goel Avatar
    Sachin Goel

    sir i’m in m tech and my dissertation topic is security in cloud computing . I want to implement enhanced blowfish algorithm(or any other algo) for encryption .

    For this i want to create a VF page which has algo code written in apex .

    through this page i want save the details (say merchandise object in warehouse app) of object in encrypted form on detailed page .

    it means i enter plain text on vf page and it shows cipher text on detailed page.

    and also i want the vf page for displaying this saved data in decrypted form(plain text).

    sir, is this possible in salesforce and if yes, what extra api or support i needed. please help me with this .

  12. Pradeep Avatar

    I like your Continuous integration video. I have 2 questions for you.
    1. Can we do Apex build and Deployment thru Jenkins?
    2. Can we use Maven insteared of ANT



    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Hi Pradeep,

      Can you explain question 1. As I understand your question, we can build Salesforce using Jenkins.

      2. Yes, its possible, check this – https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Maven+Project+Plugin

  13. evsaosworld Avatar

    best sales force article.

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Thanks so much

  14. Kabeer Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    I continuously follow your posts. And I think you are the only person who can help me to take me out from this problem. I have one requirement where I have one custom field on opportunity having lookup relationship to account is present (this relationship is different from standard field), now for this custom relationship I want to display my contacts in OpportunityContactRole (OCR) too along with the contacts which are tagged to the standard lookup to account. Can I do it using Process Builder with the help of Flows ? If yes, can you please help me how I need to tag the contactID of OCR object to the contact id of the custom lookup relationship. Thanks.

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      As per my knowledge, OCR is not top level object. So you cannot add any field. You may need to take help of custom object (Junction object). There are lots of ways to do this. Even in process builder, you can auto create this custom object record and show as related list.

  15. Mahantesh Kenganal Avatar
    Mahantesh Kenganal

    I am not able to add “Assign using active assignment rules” and “Send notification email to contact”

    check box of case object to my custom visualforce page as like adding the standard pick list and fields

    ,not able find above check box in standard fields .so could you please help on .

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      These check boxes would not be available on custom pages. You would need to explicitly handle those functionality in custom code.

  16. Pratyush Kumar Avatar
    Pratyush Kumar

    Jitendra Sir,
    I am inspired by you. With in the short span of time you have climbed great height in your life. And the most important thing is that you are always ready to help others. I want to be like you.

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Thanks so much for your words Pratyush. I may be small fish in Ocean however happy to know that, I have something in me to inspire you.

  17. Danny Norohna Avatar
    Danny Norohna

    Hello Jitendra,
    I did go through the kind of work you have done and its amazing, I am looking for a salesforce guy for an urgent opening with one of my direct clients, its a contract job for a year at FL if your available thats great if not could you please refer someone who is looking out for a job..My email address is danny@hotcloudjobs.com …Hoping to hear from you soon…Thanks

  18. Sumit Singh Avatar
    Sumit Singh

    Hi Jitendra,
    there is a field sourceid(text field) both on parent as well as child.
    there is a field Child count Souce id(number) on parent object.

    my requirement is that, whenever sourceid value are same ( for ex if sourceid=12 on both parent object as well as child object, then count1 will be updated on Child count Souce id(number) field.

    how to acheive this requirement through trigger. Actually i’m new in trigger.

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      You dont need to write code. Process builder can be used. There are hundreds of tutorial available on google

  19. aasutosh singhal Avatar
    aasutosh singhal

    Hello Jitendra ji

    I searched a lot about indexing for salesforce but didn’t get . please can you share about indexing. What it is and its importance , and how to do it.

  20. Payal Mittal Avatar
    Payal Mittal

    Hi Jitendra,

    Always follow your blog to stay updated.
    Please do post Winter 17 release notes.

    Thanks in Advance 🙂

  21. Raj Padmanabhan Avatar
    Raj Padmanabhan

    Is there a way to create a parent child relationship in Salesforce from an external ERP (which is a SOR) using enterprise WSDL to execute DML API statements? Trying to avoid creating an custom APEX service which can be invoked externally from ERP system

  22. Ravi Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    is there a way to disable global search in SF Partner community.

  23. Nilesh Borse Avatar
    Nilesh Borse

    HI Jitendra,
    I have gone through your most of the tutorials, I liked those and got lots of things to learn, I am requesting you for one tutorial which will cover in detail “Salesforce License Type” and it’s need.

    Thank you in advance. 🙂

  24. Spam Mail Avatar
    Spam Mail

    aye taklaa!!!

  25. haritha Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    I’m stuck with a problem in salesforce, i need your help.

    i have gone through the success communtiy also, but need more clarification.

    My issues is as below.

    whenever we click on clone button on the record of the opportuntiy object i need to get the Amount field(standard field) should be zero or blank. and the remaining fields should populate the same values as previous. can we do this without overriding a clone button?

    Your suggestion will be very valuable to me.

    Thanks in advance.

  26. Ayan Avatar

    Hi Sir,

    I have a requirement to show data parent(Inventory Object) record with child(Inventory line Item) records in list view, I’m facing issue to implement pagination for this. Could you please tell me approach ?

  27. Nidhi Bhardwaj Avatar
    Nidhi Bhardwaj

    Hello Jitendra,
    I follow your blog and looking for some help. Is there any way we can automatically share records with the user when a record is reassigned. Thanks in advance!!!

  28. Yashita Goyal Avatar
    Yashita Goyal

    Hi Jitendra,

    I have query related to reloading the map component. The approach followed to get the map via iframe and pointing it to VF page.

    Code Structure:

    Note: Event is fired on button click to go onto map component.

    I am unable to refresh the map component when user changes value in filter component and click on button. Can you please guide me.

    Thank You.

  29. Arun Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,
    Can you help me with any training info for Developer and Service cloud , not sure about the better one available- Thank you Arun

  30. Madhavi Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    i am trying to automate SFDC deployment process using Jenkins.can you help me.-Thanks Madhu

  31. Steffi Diana Avatar
    Steffi Diana

    Hi Jitendra,

    Greetings !

    Writing to understand the channel to become a guest blogger on your blog site.
    I’am blogging on my employer’s behalf.
    Our team recently worked on GDPR compliance and would like to share my thought on the Impact of GDPR on Business and how use of Salesforce.com can help business in driving GDPR framework effectively.

    Await your positive response.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Steffi Diana

  32. Ram Avatar

    Hi Sir,

    I have requirement where i need to embed or show Einstein Dashboard in Angular JS or other JS /Java platform page.
    is it possible to do it?
    please help me out how can i achieve that any guidance will help.
    i am new to Salesforce Development.

    Thanks Ram

  33. Sukruti v Avatar
    Sukruti v

    Hi , I want to validate the file format of the file uploaded on file related list on record detail page and on the object record feed.
    Which content object to use to achieve this. Contentversion, contentdocument or contentdocumentlink

  34. Revanth Kumar Avatar

    can we use web workers of javascript in salesforce lightning?

  35. David Avatar

    I have Just Start learning Salesforce Technology will you please explain How Data Loader work in Salesforce.

  36. joe Avatar

    Hi Jitendra , liked your work,

    but Iam facing an issue in one of the lightning component you have developed:

    in this one, without the “Actual Value” API name I am not getting the output.
    i tried with the percentage field API name still no output

  37. Ganesh Babu Avatar
    Ganesh Babu

    Hi Jitendra,

    Myself Ganesh Babu, I would like to connect with you regarding your rule engine project. Can you please ping your personal mail id to sfdcplaygrd@gmail.com. Even I tried to contact you via twitter and waiting for your response.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Ganesh Babu.

  38. Priyanka Sathyamurthy Avatar
    Priyanka Sathyamurthy

    Hi Jitendra,

    I would like to implement the rule engine in my project. Please help me on this.

  39. Zhongchen Zhou Avatar

    I have created one managed Salesforce package “ANU Ads Audience Connector” (http://audcs.com) which can connect Salesforce leads/contacts to advertising networks like Google Ads, Facebook Ads and also China’s biggest advertising network Tencent Advertising and OceanEngine Advertising. It is very similar to Salesforce Marketing Cloud – Advertising Studio, but my package does not require marketing cloud and can integrate with China’s advertising networks.
    May I invite you to review my package and write one blog article to introduce the features? Looking forward to hear back from you, Thanks!

  40. Susan Davis Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    Have gone through many of your articles. Amazing write-up. Thanks for sharing.

    I am also interested in posting a Salesforce blog on jitendrazaa.com!

    Can you please help us with the next steps here!

    Susan Davis

  41. Vidyarthi Ram Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    Have gone through many of your articles. Amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Sai Priya Avatar


    My name is Sai Priya Ravuri, and I’m the content creator at MindMajix Technologies.
    I am your regular reader.I noticed you have amazing contributors on Salesforce, and I was wondering if you still accept guest bloggers.

    I Can add value to your audience on a few different topics like Programming, Technologies, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Project Management and Methodologies, Business Process Management , Content Management systems, Enterprise Resource Planning.

    If I look like someone you can accept as a contributor, I’d love to write a post on any of the following topics that I believe could be a perfect fit for your blog.

    Learn Basics of Tableau CRM in Salesforce

    Flows vs Workflows vs Process Builder – Process Automation in Salesforce

    Why It’s Important to Learn Salesforce in 2022

    Why is Salesforce CRM better than Other CRM’s?

    Best strategies to increase Salesforce user Adoption.

    Whichever topic you choose, I will be happy to write and the article will be 100% Original supported with facts,stats,and Screenshots.

    Let me Know What you think, If you are interested Please get back to me.

    Best Regards,
    Sai Priya

  43. vikas Avatar

    Hi Jitender,
    Thanks for sharing all important information, I have one question we have Automated Salesforce application with Selenium and now I want integrate with BlueCanvas for CI/CD. Can you help me for integration.

  44. Bhaumik Chaudhari Avatar

    Bhaumik this side i have messaged you regarding guest posting for my InVideo Company.

  45. Albert Avatar

    Hi Jitendra,

    Big fan of your work in the community. We recently developed Android and iOS mobile apps (Barcode To Cloud) for scanning barcodes and executing CRUD operations in Salesforce(https://salesforcecodes.blogspot.com/2021/06/how-to-scan-barcode-values-and-send-to-salesforce.html). This app is highly configurable. Could you please review and give suggestions?


  46. Alex Hochberger Avatar

    I have been trying to figure out how to connect the dots, and your tutorial got me closest. Unfortunately I can’t run it because it errors with modern versions of NodeJS (and a Debug Package, not the core stuff), but the concept are clearly laid out.


    Perhaps the requirements are updatable? It is hardcoded to some older NPM modules, and that is appearing to cause a problem.

    We are a new Salesforce ISV and attempting to get the Connected App / Heroku / OAuth process down so we can hook our existing code base into Salesforce.

  47. Adisheshu Avatar

    Hi Sir, I am trying to implement Omni channel SMS and need your help in the customization of SMS functionality.

  48. Anny Jones Avatar
    Anny Jones

    Have gone through many of your articles. Amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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