Tag: SoapUI
Salesforce Load Testing using SOAPUI
Previously, I have added multiple posts in this blog on how you would face governor limit errors on each step of Salesforce implementation and how we can leverage selenium to perform load testing of Salesforce to some extent. SOAP UI is powerful tool and in this post we will see how it can be used…
Enterprise Territory Management – Auto Account Assignment using Apex
Use Apex code to auto assign Accounts on basis of Enterprise Territory Assignment rules
Using soapUI with Salesforce to test standard and custom web services response
soapUI is most common tool available to test Soap based web services, it also has capability to test REST web services. soapUI can be used to test Partner WSDL, enterprise WSDL, Tooling API, Metadata API to study capability and response from Salesforce before writing any code in Java, C# or any other language. In this article…