Tag: Visualforce
Table with Sorting and Searching using AngularJS
I hope, from last article you got basic information about AngularJS. This time, I will demonstrate how to add basic Searching and Sorting capability to data table using AngularJs. Output will look something like this : Prerequisite Libraries : UnderscoreJs Bootstrap CSS AngularJs
Visualforce Remote Objects
One of the exciting feature of Spring14 release is introduction of “Visualforce Remote Objects”. You can say its actually replacement of JavaScript Remoting. Why do we need “Visualforce Remote Objects” when we already have “JavaScript Remoting” ? Well, here are few advantages of “Visualforce Remote Objects” : No need to write Controllers, Everything can be…
FAQ and Best Practices of Test Classes in Apex
Here I am going to share few answers related to Test Classes, which is being asked many times to me by novice Programmers. Please feel free to post Comments if your question is not answered here. I will try my best to add those Questions in this article. If you want to learn Test Class…
JQuery Based Raffle in Salesforce
Recently i run into very interesting scenario where i had to randomly take name of few contacts. There are many ways to do it but I thought why not to implement this functionality in Salesforce with help of some Javascript? So i came up with this – JQuery based Raffle in Salesforce. I have created…
Salesforce Interview Question – Part 15
141 : User Wants to set the starting day in Calendar as “Monday” instead of “Sunday”. How to get it done? Ans : Change the user locale to “English ( United Kingdom ) ” in Personal information or User record. 142 : Why CSS is not working in PDF created by Visualforce ? Ans :…
Using FieldSet with Visualforce and Apex
One of the disadvantages comes up with Custom Page or Overriding New or Edit button with Visualforce page is its “Maintenance”, if New Filed is Added or needed to remove field we have to modify our code every time. However, Thanks to Salesforce that we have “Field Set“. With the Help of “Dynamic Visualforce Binding”…
Salesforce Interview Question – Part 13
121 : Consider we have overall 90% code coverage however there is one class which have 0% code coverage. Can we still able to deploy that class on production? Ans : Yes. Minimum 1% required for every trigger and there is no such restriction for Apex class. 122 : How to get selected records ID…
Salesforce Interview Question – Part 12
111 : How to get the Recordtype Id using Dynamic Apex? Ans: Normally to get the RecordtypeId for any sObject we use SOQL and it will count against your limit. So below method will bypass the need of SOQL Query. or 112 : Write Apex code which will take the RecordID as input and on…
Introduction to View State in Visualforce
Introduction to View State in Visualforce with example and code walk-through