Salesforce Helptext like Custom Tooltip using JQuery
Welcome back Readers. This is my first blog entry for year 2013, i know its too late. However i can ensure that i have lots of unique post which will come this year. I am starting this year with very light post , mimic the help-text style of Salesforce. Download Salesforce Helptext like Tooltip using…
Create Pure CSS based Menu – Step by Step Tutorial
Tutorial on creating step by step pure CSS based Menu without any javaScript and Why CSS Hover property is not working in Internet explorer
Complete CSS Selector Tutorial for the beginners
Complete CSS Selector Tutorial for the beginners
JavaScript Error “˜expected identifier, string or number’ in Internet Explorer (IE)
Solution of expected identifier, string or number’ in Internet Explorer (IE) – javascript
Vertically middle align the DIV tag using CSS
Source code and Methods to Middle align the text in DIV tag in HTML
Why Style.left does not work in Firefox, chrome and safari ?
During working on one of my project, i found that style.left does not work with Mozilla, chrome and safari but nicely works on internet explorer. The code was : And the simple solution is, append “px” at the end to work with other browsers. and final code is: Very Simple right ? 🙂
ClearType in IE
Recently, during development i encountered in interesting issue related to internet explorer. There is one property in IE known as cleartype, which results in different display of font. you can see in below snap : The Browse button at left side has shadow effect in font or we can say Cleart type is enable for that control. the…
Style File upload control in ASP / HTML
As most of us know that we cannot style the file upload control to much level, still we can give it a stunning effect with the help of CSS. There is nothing in code to explain. I took three upload control and one button to give effect. Lets say upload control is in ASP.net or…
Highlight Current field using JQuery
Write below HTML code : This will create two text boxes. Using jQuery, we can watch for an event where an input form comes into focus: Add link to JQuery file in script tag as shown in below line: Now, add below CSS in document. Then at last write JQuery / javascript code on focus…