Year: 2014
Resolve Error : Eclipse SSH key is not matching the SSH key(s) that is associated with your Heroku account
We have seen that how to create First Heroku application using Eclipse. However it is possible that after following all steps properly in above article you may receive error saying the Eclipse SSH key is not matching the SSH key(s) that is associated with your Heroku account. To fix this error, you can: – Associate your…
Ajax based AutoComplete / TypeAhead Directive in AngularJS
Previously we already discussed below Auto Complete components: Ajax Based Multiselect JQuery Autocomplete Control in ASP.Net AutoComplete Component in Visualforce using JQueryUI In this article, we will be creating TypeAhead Directive (Auto Complete) again in Salesforce However this time we will use AngularJs. Why we are using AngularJS ? We discussed already in one of…
Automated Daily Backup of Salesforce Using ANT Migration Tool and GIT
In few previous articles, I have talked about how to use “ANT Migration tool in Salesforce” and “How to Use EGit plugin in Eclipse to work with Git“. So to make this article short, I assume that you are already familiar with ANT Migration tool provided by Salesforce and Git. During project development life cycle it…
Implement SAML based Single Sign On (SSO) | Using Salesforce as Identity Provider (Idp) as well as Service Provider (SP)
Previously we have seen, How to setup SAML based Single Sign On Where Salesforce will be Service Provider and some other application like AXIOM will be Identity Provider. In this article we will use one Salesforce Instance as Identity Provider and other Salesforce Instance as Service Provider. Before starting you have to decide which salesforce Instance will…
Creating Progress Bar field using Formula| Without any coding
In this post we will discuss on creating Progress bar field without any coding, just by using formula field. Initially it seems like we can’t create dynamic progress bar field by using only formula in Salesforce. There are some approach, where developers stores 4 images with interval of 25% or 10 images with 10% interval…
Large Data Volumes (LDV) in Salesforce | FAQs | Interview Questions
You would like to go through this useful cheat sheet for “Query and Search” optimization, few of this is discussed in this post as FAQ. 171 : How Standard Fields and Custom Fields related information is saved inside Salesforce Database? Is every Standard and Custom Object is created as a different Database table? Ans :…
Send Email with Generated PDF as attachment from Trigger – before Winter 16
There may be scenario in Salesforce that you need to send a Visualforce page rendered as PDF as a part of Email Attachment. This will be very easy if you want to perform this using Controller or Extension class, we just have to call getContentAsPDF() method of PageReference class and use returned blob data as…
Step by step guide to Setup Federated Authentication (SAML) based SSO in Salesforce – Video Tutorial
In this post, We will be dicussing how to setup Federated SAML based Authentication in Salesforce. SAML stands for “Security Assertion Markup Language” and it is Open standard for exchanging Authentication and Authorization between Systems. SAML based authentication is supported by all editions of Salesforce. User Validation can be initiated by any one of below two…
Introduction to Flexible page aka Lightning Page with example
Display Visualforce page only in Salesforce1 mobile application and not in desktop version
Call Salesforce REST API from Apex
Use Apex to call Salesforce REST API with sample source code