Create URL dynamically in ASP.NET
Utility program to find that current connection is secured or not, connection is http or https. Create dynamic URL in ASP.NET. Example of Page.ResolveUrl() in ASP.Net.
Add CSS Programatically in ASP.NET
Tutorial on adding the CSS file dynamically in ASP.NET and C# / VB.Net
Response.Flush in ASP.NET
Usage of Response.Flush method in ASP.NET, its disadvantage and advantage of buffering in IIS.
Row expand collapse using jquery and Ajax
Using JQuery and Ajax to expand and collapse the row in ASP.NET
Telerik RadWindow Pop up Problem in Chrome and safari
Telerik Popup Window Height is not set in Safari and Chrome (Apple Webkit Browsers)
Clear ASP page cache – Page_Load() firing multiple time in RadWindow Popup
How to prevent the multiple Page load event in case Telerik Rad Window Popup is used and Clear ASP page cache.
Difference between $find and $get Methods
What is Difference between $find() and $get() Methods in ASP.NET
Selecting and Sorting in DataTable – ASP.net C#
Demonstrates that how to select and sort the Datatable in ASP.Net , C#
Tracing ASP.NET Website
Demonstrates that how to Trace ASP.NET web applications
DataGrid Sorting and Paging Example – Part 2
For Part 1, visit This URL https://jitendrazaa.com/blog/?p=191 In this part, i will show that how to Sort the Datagrid Component of ASP.NET. To sort Datagrid, we will need DataView and then assign Dataview as datasource to our Grid control. We will need to change our code of Part 1. Previously, we used DataSet as a Datasource.…