Tag: Lightning component
Lightning component code review using CLI – Video
Video tutorial explaining how we can use Lightning CLI to identify possible issues and enhancements needed for Lightning Component and enabling it for Locker Service
Responsive Datagrid component in Lightning – Basics
This blog post explains simple use case of Nested Lightning Component. It goes through example on how to interact and combine nested components to be used in parent Lightning component.
Dynamically Instantiate and destroy Lightning Components – Modal dialog component
Learn how to create advance lightning component (Modal dialog) and dynamically instantiate and destroy it
Lightning Component for Wikipedia search
Initially I thought creating Wikipedia Search component will be straight forward. I can simply use AJAX request from Lightning component to get result from Wikipedia using its REST API. Soon, I discovered about Content Security Policy in Lightning components developer guide. If we attempt to use AJAX or REST API in Lightning component then below error…
Override default loading message in Salesforce lightning application using template
While developing Lightning component, all of us might have been noticed that default user interface for loading component looks like below image. Most of us, for sure will want to customize this loading message to match their Salesforce implementation theme. We can use “Lightning Template” to override this message to show something like below image.
Login to Lightning enabled Salesforce instance using SessionId
If you have session Id, then you could login to Salesforce directly using below URL hack : https://[intance].salesforce.com/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=[sessionId] on above URL, you have to replace [instance] by actual salesforce instance name and [sessionId] by actual sessionId of user. In same way, we can directly login to portals or communities using below URL hack https://[instance].salesforce.com/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=[sessionid]&orgId=[orgId]&portalId=[portalOrCommunityId] I…
Salesforce Lightning Component – Radar Chart
How to create Radar chart using Lightning Component in Salesforce with the help of Chart.js library
Barcode scanner component in Salesforce lightning – Video
Recording of Live code – Creating Barcode decoder component using Javascripyt library in Salesforce Lightning
Compilation of resources to learn Lightning Components in Salesforce
An attempt to gather all resources to learn Salesforce lightning component in one blog post
Salesforce Lightning Component – expand and collapsable panel example
How to use aura:facet component and Learn creating expand and collapsable reusable lightning component in Salesforce