Tag: Salesforce

  • Access Camera and Audio recorder of Mobile device in Visualforce and upload as chatter file

    In this article we will see how to use Camera and Audio recorder of mobile device in Visualforce and upload as chatter file. It may look that it is very tricky to access device camera and audio control in Visualforce however you may be right if there were no HTML5. Thanks to HTML5 for magic.

  • Creating Salesforce Query Builder in Node.js and AngularJs using Salesforce REST API and OAuth2 with Heroku Button

    In this post, we will be creating a Salesforce Query (SOQL) Builder. It uses Google’s Angularjs MVC Javascript library and REST API provided by Salesforce. For Authentication, it uses OAuth2. Node.js is used as a primary language and hosted on Heroku. If you want to directly deploy to your Heroku Account, You can use Heroku Button on…

  • Automated Daily Backup of Salesforce Using ANT Migration Tool and GIT

    In few previous articles, I have talked about how to use “ANT Migration tool in Salesforce” and “How to Use EGit plugin in Eclipse to work with Git“. So to make this article short, I assume that you are already familiar with ANT Migration tool provided by Salesforce and Git. During project development life cycle it…

  • Creating Progress Bar field using Formula| Without any coding

    In this post we will discuss on creating Progress bar field without any coding, just by using formula field. Initially it seems like we can’t create dynamic progress bar field by using only formula in Salesforce. There are some approach, where developers stores 4 images with interval of 25% or 10 images with 10% interval…

  • Send Email with Generated PDF as attachment from Trigger – before Winter 16

    There may be scenario in Salesforce that you need to send a Visualforce page rendered as PDF as a part of Email Attachment. This will be very easy if you want to perform this using Controller or Extension class, we just have to call getContentAsPDF() method of PageReference class and use returned blob data as…

  • Step by step guide to Setup Federated Authentication (SAML) based SSO in Salesforce – Video Tutorial

    In this post, We will be dicussing how to setup Federated SAML based Authentication in Salesforce. SAML stands for “Security Assertion Markup Language” and it is Open standard for exchanging Authentication and Authorization between Systems. SAML based authentication is supported by all editions of Salesforce. User Validation can be initiated by any one of below two…

  • Salesforce REST API Playground

    What is REST API ? In my words, Getting data from Other System or Same System using HTTP request is known as REST API. If you know, how website works, you know REST API. Before REST API, there was SOAP request which needed lots of configuration and very tightly coupled. If you make any modification…

  • Pagination, Searching and Sorting of Data Table using AngularJS

    We have already discussed “Basics of AngularJS” and “Simple Searching and Sorting“. In this article, we will add Pagination feature also to our previous example. What makes difficult is Sorting result when values are returned from Search and pagination is enabled. Unlike previous post we cannot use standard “OrderBy” filter provided by AngularJs framework, this…

  • Table with Sorting and Searching using AngularJS

    I hope, from last article you got basic information about AngularJS. This time, I will demonstrate how to add basic Searching and Sorting capability to data table using AngularJs. Output will look something like this : Prerequisite Libraries : UnderscoreJs Bootstrap CSS AngularJs

  • Visualforce Remote Objects

    One of the exciting feature of Spring14 release is introduction of “Visualforce Remote Objects”. You can say its actually replacement of JavaScript Remoting. Why do we need “Visualforce Remote Objects” when we already have “JavaScript Remoting” ? Well, here are few advantages of “Visualforce Remote Objects” : No need to write Controllers, Everything can be…