Year: 2015
List of podcasts for Salesforce developers and admins
I am sure lots of visitors reading this post commutes to office almost daily either by own car or public transport. I use my leisure by listening Salesforce podcasts mostly. There are many Salesforce podcast maintained by awesome admins and developers globally. They dedicates lots of effort and time around planning every episode, try not to be…
How to use Symbolic Link to move Google Chrome AppData folder to other location
Using Symbolic Link to move high storage folders to new location like moving Google Chrome AppData folder to other location
Resolve 24 hour Apex email limit error in Salesforce
How to design and architect Salesforce application so that 24 hour Apex email limit error could be resolved and have reporting capabilities on emails sent from Salesforce
Setup Live Agent in Salesforce Community – Video
Using Live agent, Service representatives can directly chat with customers and resolve customer issue. Chat support is noways preferable way to contact service representative. No need to stay on call for hours, no need to wait for email reply for days. Even I use chat support wherever it is possible as its very easy to…
Login to Lightning enabled Salesforce instance using SessionId
If you have session Id, then you could login to Salesforce directly using below URL hack : https://[intance][sessionId] on above URL, you have to replace [instance] by actual salesforce instance name and [sessionId] by actual sessionId of user. In same way, we can directly login to portals or communities using below URL hack https://[instance][sessionid]&orgId=[orgId]&portalId=[portalOrCommunityId] I…
Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Canvas
After writing this article Salesforce has enabled CSP (Content Security Policy) which restricts adding Salesforce in iFrame. We can add MyDomain URL as CSP whitelisting and it works only if user already logged into other Salesforce instance. However, if user is not logged into other instance , internally OAuth navigates through which is too…
Dreamforce 2015 – My Sessions – Add in your Agenda builder
Dreamforce 2015 sessions presented by Jitendra Zaa for Salesforce
Salesforce Lightning Component – Radar Chart
How to create Radar chart using Lightning Component in Salesforce with the help of Chart.js library
Event Monitoring and Trailhead
This is one of most awaited functionality provided by Salesforce platform recently. In many projects, we were getting request from clients on different kind of auditing reports like “most used functionality by users, who is exporting reports, API call usage, link clicks” etc. Event monitoring tool helps to provide many information related to auditing reports. We…
Fix Git errors : Permission denied , Cannot spawn , No supported authentication methods available
Recently, I came across few errors of Git and found very time consuming to fix those. Let’s discuss what are those errors and how we can fix it. Error : Permission denied (publickey). fatal : could not read from remote repository This error came while trying to push changes to remote repository using ssh keys.…