Dreamforce 2015 – My Sessions – Add in your Agenda builder

Dreamforce 2015
Dreamforce 2015

Its just two weeks left for planets biggest developer/Admin event. 2014, was my first year to attend this mega event and I was amazed by how big it is, how many sessions, how many awesome speakers, how many activities, how could Salesforce organized it in city like SFO very well. I don’t think that there would be any other name more appropriate and suitable than “Dreamforce”, as its kinda dream to attend this event by all Salesforce admins and developers. I am going to live this dream second year in row.

Below image shows some of featured speakers like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Youtube CEO Susan being part of Dreamforce 2015.

Dreamforce 2015 Speakers
Dreamforce 2015 Speakers

Like last year, this Dreamforce as well I will be presenting below 3 sessions.

1. Introduction to WebRTC on the Force.com Platform – 17 Sep, 10:00 amAgenda builder

I would be sharing stage with my colleague Anshul to share information about WebRTC.

WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communications) is a web technology that allows users to make video/audio communications natively over the web. Join us as we explain WebRTC and show you how to use it in a demo app running on the Force.com Platform.

Introduction to WebRTC on the Force.com Platform
Introduction to WebRTC on the Force.com Platform

2. Community Campfire – Lightning Connect  – 14 Sep, 4:00 pm, Agenda builder 

No Slides, no presentation its also known as unconference if you attended Dreamforce 12. I would be discussing on Lightning Connect with some cool demos. It would be on 2nd floor of Moscone West. Would be 50 minutes session where we will be discussing our stories, questions, why need lightning Connect and much more interactive.

Lightning Connect Campfire Dreamforce2015
Lightning Connect Campfire Dreamforce 2015

3. Point and Click workshop – 15 Sep, 12:15pm  – Agenda builder

This is two hour session on configuration capabilities of Salesforce 1 platform. I would be discussing many cool features of platform followed by Hands on. If you are new to Salesforce and want to learn basics and capabilities of platform then this session is for you.

HoT - Introduction to point and click App
HoT – Introduction to point and click App

4. Introduction Force.com Canvas Apps – 17 Sep , 3:45pm – Agenda builder

Force.com Canvas allows you to create apps in any language, running on Heroku or any other cloud app platform, that are fully integrated with Force.com. Join us as we walk you through creating your first Force.com Canvas app, and use Quickstart templates to create a canvas app running on Heroku in minutes.

Introduction to Force.com Canvas
Introduction to Force.com Canvas





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One response to “Dreamforce 2015 – My Sessions – Add in your Agenda builder”

  1. amit Avatar

    Hello Sir,

    I need to know my this requirement ,Please see my requirement and
    suggest me. Please provide me step for this requirement

    Overview of requirements:

    1. Bidirectional(Rest API) integration between Salesforce and Woocommerce.

    2. When an order is placed in WooCommerce, it creates a few things in Salesforce

    a. It looks to see if the customer exists (query against person accounts) based on a customer ID. If the customer does not exist, it creates a person account.

    b. It creates an Order record (see below) that includes all details from the order that took place

    c. It creates order line items, each with a look up relationship to a product that exists in the Salesforce database

    3. If a customer calls in to make changes, they need to be able to push these changes back into Woocommerce from Salesforce. This would include changes to basic contact details, or changes to membership status (in the membership and renewals section on the account)

    4. There are a number of different classes that already exist that will need to be deactivated as well, which were providing integration functionality previously

    Please provide me guide or step for this. I realy Thankful to you sir.

    Thanks & Regards

    Amit Kumar

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