Tag: Lightning component
Get Current User Id in Salesforce
How to get Current Logged in user Id in Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Component and Formula fields in Salesforce
Read Query Parameter in Lightning Component
Launch Lightning Component using formula field and also read query parameter in Salesforce Lightning Component
Embed Lightning Component in Flow
How to create a lookup field in Flow by embedding Lightning Component
15 ways to improve performance of Lightning Components in Salesforce
Improve Lightning Component performance using simple 15 rules like Storable Actions, avoiding server trips, Lightning Data Service, Unidirectional data binding, creating component APIs etc
Introduction to Lightning Test Services with Jasmine
Complete Source code and video of using Lightning Datatable Component and Jasmine in Salesforce
Salesforce Path – Read Only Lightning Component
Chevron Component build in Lightning with Same look and feel as of Salesforce Path in read only mode
Lightning Data Service – Standard Controller for Lightning Components
Best Practices for Salesforce Lightning Component. How Lightning Data Service can improve Lightning Component performance and solve inconsistent data problem without writing single line of Apex code. Demo source code, image and slides included.
Lookup component in Salesforce Lightning
Salesforce Lightning component in plain JavaScript and SLDS with complete source code
Show Lightning component on public website without authentication
How to show Lightning component on public sites without need of user authentication
Text Slider Lightning Component for Salesforce with Live Demo
How to use Nested Components and create a simple yet powerful Text Slider Component in Lightning for Salesforce