Working with data is always fun & we have many options to store data and perform analysis. In the context of Salesforce, we can use a data loader and export data in CSV files however analyzing CSV files could be daunting. My favorite method is to use Mulesoft and PostgreSQL to analyze data.
I like free stuff, free databases, however, I don’t like slower systems. In this post, I will share my quick tips on how I install PostgreSQL and start & stop service as needed so that my system is not using resources when I’m not working on PostgreSQL.
Install, Start & Stop PostgreSQL
The most convenient way to install a database is using the Homebrew command
brew install postgresql@14
Use the below command, when you would like to start database services
brew services start postgresql@14
and below command, if you are done with PostgreSQL so that system is not using unnecessary memory or CPU in background services
brew services stop postgresql@14
Install PGAdmin – Graphical Interface for Database Management
If you need a graphical interface to work with PostgreSQL, install pgadmin4 using the below command
brew install --cask pgadmin4
Once installation is done, refer below images to setup a connection with localhost

By default password is blank for newly created PostgreSQL
Mulesoft Connection with PostgreSQL
Refer below image for settings
- URL : jdbc:PostgreSQL://localhost:5432/postgres
- URL format : jdbc:PostgreSQL://localhost:<Port Number>/<databasename>
- Driver Class Name : org.postgresql.Driver

Other PostgreSQL-related Commands
Finding installation path
$ Which psql
Operating from the command line
$ psql postgres@14
//second parameter , in this case postgres is name of database
Get list of users in PostgreSQL
$ psql postgres@14
Then run command

Command to create a new user with super privilege
Check if PLSQL is working or not
> brew services list
Uninstalling PostgreSQL
Run below commands
//Check if instance is running
$ launchctl list | grep -i sql
//Stop instance
$ brew services stop postgres@14
//Remove PostgreSQL and all related files
$ brew uninstall --force postgres
$ rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres
$ rm -rf .psql_history .psqlrc .psql.local .pgpass .psqlrc.local
$ brew cleanup
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