In java there is keyword “final“, which is used to avoid overloading / inheritance of method / class respectively.
In c# there is no keyword like “final” but the same thing is achieved by keyword “sealed“.
A class which is marked by keyword sealed cannot be inherited.
If you have ever noticed, structs are sealed. You cannot derive a class from a struct.
namespace OOPS_Concept { sealed class SealedClassDemo { public void test1() { Console.WriteLine("Method Test1"); } } class childclass : SealedClassDemo { } }
Above code will generate an error saying that class cannot be inherited.
Sealed Method:
In C#, Methods cannot be “sealed” directly. Methods of only derived class can be made sealed with keyword sealed and override.
namespace OOPS_Concept { class SealedMethodDemo { public virtual void Method1() { Console.Write("Base class Method1"); } } class ChildClass : SealedMethodDemo { public sealed override void Method1() { Console.Write("Derived class Method1"); } } }
One of the best usage of sealed classes is when you have a class with static members. For example, the Pens and Brushes classes of the System.Drawing namespace.
The readonly keyword is a modifier that you can use on fields. When a field declaration includes a readonly modifier, assignments to the fields introduced by the declaration can only occur as part of the declaration or in a constructor in the same class.
refer this MSDN document to read more on keyword “readonly” in C#
The const keyword is used to modify a declaration of a field or local variable. It specifies that the value of the field or the local variable cannot be modified. A constant declaration introduces one or more constants of a given type. The declaration takes the form:
public const double x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z = 3.0;
Note : The readonly keyword is different from the const keyword. A const field can only be initialized at the declaration of the field. A readonly field can be initialized either at the declaration or in a constructor. Therefore, readonly fields can have different values depending on the constructor used. Also, while a const field is a compile-time constant, the readonly field can be used for runtime constants, as in the following example:
public static readonly uint l1 = (uint) DateTime.Now.Ticks;
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