BE 7th sem CSE syllabus of RTM Nagpur University

77CS1: TCP / IP & Internet

Unit I:

Introduction and Overview. Comparison of OSI Model and TCP/IP model. Networking Technologies: LANS, WANS, Connecting Devices. Internetworking concept and Architectural model. Internet Backbones, NAP, ISP’s, RFC’s, Internet Standards.

Unit II:

Internet Addresses: IP address classes, subnet mask, CIDR, ARP,RARP, Internet Protocol, Routing IP Datagrams, ICMP and IGMP.

Unit III:

UDP, TCP, Sockets and socket Programming, Routing in Internet, Routing protocols- RIP, OSPF and BGP. Introduction to Multicasting and Multicast routing.

Unit IV:

Host Configuration: BOOTP, DHCP; Services: Domain Name System, FTP, TFTP and Electronic Mail: SMTP, MIME, IMAP, POP.

Unit V:

Network Management: SNMP, WWW: HTTP, Mobile IP. Multimedia : RTP, RTCP.

Unit VI:

Middlewares : RPC, RMI. Introduction to IPv6 and ICMPv6, Internet Security:IPSec, PGP, Firewalls, SSL.


  • Internetworking and TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architectures, Douglas Comer, Pearson Education.
  • TCP/IP Protocol suite, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Third Edition, TMH.
  • Computer Networking – A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Pearson Education, Asia.
  • Computer Networks: A systems approach by Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, 3rd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Reference Book:

  • Stevens W. R. TCP/IP Illustrated, volume 1,2,3, Pearson education.

Book For Practical:

  • “Hands-On Networking with Internet Technologies” by Douglas E. Comer, Pearson Education, Asia, 2002.

77CS2: Language Processors


Introduction to Compilers: Compilers and translators, Phases of compiler design, cross compiler, Bootstrapping, Design of Lexical analyzer, LEX.


Syntax Analysis: Specification of syntax of programming languages using CFG, Top-down parser, design of LL (1) parser, bottom up parsing technique, LR parsing algorithm, Design of SLR, LALR, CLR parsers.


Syntax directed translation: Study of syntax directed definitions & syntax directed translation schemes, implementation of SDTS, intermediate notations: postfix, syntax tree, TAC, translation of expression, controls structures, declarations, procedure calls, Array reference.


Storage allocation & Error Handling: Run time storage administration, stack allocation, symbol table management, Error detection and recovery: lexical, syntactic, semantic.


Code optimization: Important code optimization techniques, loop optimization, control flow analysis, data flow analysis, Loop invariant computation, Induction variable removal, Elimination of Common sub expression.


Code generation – Problems in code generation, Simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peephole optimization.

Text Books:

  • Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools 1st edition by A. V. Aho, Sethi, Ullman, Pearson education.
  • Principal of Compiler Design – Alfred V. Aho & Jeffery D. Ullman , Narosa Pub. House.

77CS3: Elective I :- Digital Signal Processing


Basic elements of a Digital Signal Processing system, Classification of signals, Concept of frequency in Continous-time and discrete-time signals, Sampling theorem, Quantization of continous-amplitude signals, quantization of sinusoidal signals. Discrete-time signals, Discrete-time systems, Analysis of discrete-time LTI systems, Correlation of discrete-time signals.


The Z-transform, Properties, Rational Z-transforms, The inverse Z-transform by Contour Integration, Power series expansion, Partial-fraction expansion, Decomposition of rational Z-transforms, One sided Z-transform, Properties, Solution of difference equations.


Frequency analysis of Continous-time signals, Frequency analysis of discrete-time signals, Fourier series for discrete-time periodic signals, Power density spectrum of periodic signals, Fourier transform of Discrete-time aperiodic signals, Energy density spectrum of aperiodic signals, Concept of bandwidth, Symmetry properties of the Fourier transform, Fourier transform theorems and properties.


The Discrete Fourier Transform: Its properties and applications, Frequency domain sampling: The DFT, Properties of the DFT, Linear filtering methods based on the DFT, Use of the DFT in linear filtering, Filtering of long data sequences, Frequency analysis of signals using the DFT.


Introduction to FFT algorithms: Decimation in time-FFT algorithm, Decimation in frequency- FFT algorithm, Quantization effects in the computation of the DFT, Quantization errors in the direct computation of the DFT, Quantization errors in FFT algorithms, DCT.


Design of digital filters: Designof FIR filters based on windows, Designof IIR filters from analog filters, IIR filter design by approximation of derivatives, Impulse invarriance, Bilinear transformation, Examples of digital filter designs based on the bilinear transformation.

Text Books:

  • Digital Signal Processing: Alan V. Oppenheim, W. Schaffer, Pearson Education
  • Digital Signal Processing: John G. Proakies and D. Monalkies & D. Sharma, Pearson Education

Reference Books:

  • Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition by E. Ifeachor, Pearson Education
  • Theory and application of signal processing””Rabiner & Gold (PHI)
  • Digital filter design and analysis””Andreas Antonious

77CS3: Elective I:- Computer Graphics

Unit 1:

Basic fundamentals of random scan, raster-scan devices and LCD displays.Video Basics, Interactive Devices. Line, Circle, Ellipse drawing techniques and Algorithms.

Unit 2:

Polygon filling methods: Scan Conversion Algorithms: Simple Ordered edge list, Edge Fill, Fence fill and Edge Flag Algorithm. ,Seed fill Algorithms: Simple and Scan Line Seed Fill Algorithm, Antialiasing and Halftoning techniques.

Unit 3:

2D Clipping algorithms for regular and irregular windows: Sutherland Cohen Outcode, Sutherland Cohen Subdivision, Mid-Point subdivision, Cyrus Beck and Sutherland Hodgman Polygon clipping Agorithm. Clipping about Concave regions. 2D Transformations, Normalized Device Coordinates and Viewing Transformations.

Unit 4:

3D System Basics and 3D Transformations, Parallel and Perspective projections, Hidden line/surface Removal Algorithms. Rendering- Shading, Ray tracing techniques and Color Systems.

Unit 5:

Curve generation – Interpolation Technique, B-spline and Bezier curves, Graphics Software Packages – Rules for designing Graphics Package, Segmentation and Display file Compilation.

Unit 6:

Graphics Systems- Display Processors, Device Independent Graphics Systems, User Interface Design. Graphics Standard – Basic principles of X-windows, X terminal.

Text Books:

  • Computer Graphics, Hearn and Baker, Pearson Education
  • Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics III Edition, Rogers, McGraw Hill.
  • Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Newman and Sproull, McGraw Hill.

Reference Books:

  • Computer Graphics : Principles and Practice in “C” by J. D. Foley Pearson Education

77CS3: Elective – I:- Real Time Operating Systems


Introduction : Car & driver example, Issues in real time systems, Structure of a Real time system. Hard versus soft real time systems: Jobs & processors, release times, deadlines, timing, constraints, Hard & Soft timing constraints, Hard real time systems , soft real time systems. A Reference model of Real-time systems : processors and resources, temporal parameters of real-time workload, periodic Task model, precedence constraints & data dependencies other types of dependencies, functional parameters, resource parameters of Jobs & parameters of resources, scheduling Hierarchy.


Effective release times and deadlines, Optimality and non optimality of EDF & LST, Challenges in validating timing constraints in priority-driven systems, off-line versus on-line scheduling. Clock-driven scheduling, Priority driven scheduling of periodic tasks.


Scheduling aperiodic & sporadic jobs in priority-driven systems : Deferrable servers, Sporadic servers, Constant utilization, total bandwidth and weighted fair-queuing servers, scheduling of sporadic jobs. Resources and resource access control: assumption on resources and their usage, effects of resource contention & resource access control, non preemptive critical sections, basic priority-inheritance protocol, basic priority-ceiling protocol, stack-based priority-ceiling protocol, use of priority-ceiling protocol in dynamic-priority systems, preemption-ceiling protocol, controlling accesses to multiple-unit resources.


Model of multiprocessor & distributed systems, Task assignment, Multiprocessor priority-ceiling protocol, Elements of scheduling algorithms for end-to end periodic tasks, Scheduability of fixed priority end-to-end periodic tasks, end-to-end tasks in heterogeneous systems.

Programming Languages and Tools : Desired language characteristics, Data typing, Control structures, Facilitating hierarchjical decomposition , packages, Run time error handling, Overloading and generics, Multitasking, Lowlevel programming, Task scheduling, Timing specifications, Programming environments, Run time support.


Real Time Databases : Introduction, Basic definations, real time vs. general purpose databases, main memory databases, Transaction priorities, Transaction aborts,concurrency control issues, disk schedulinh algorithms, maintaining serialization consistency, databases for hard real time systems.

Real Time Communication: Introduction, Network Topologies, Contention based protocol, token based protocol, Stop and go protocol, Polled bus protocol, Hierarchical round robin protocol, Deadline based protocols, Fault tolerant routing.


Fault Tolerance Techniques : Causes of failures, Fault types, Fault detection, Fault and error containment, Redundancy, Data diversity, Reversal checks, Integrated failure handling.


  • Real-Time Systems : Jane W.S. Liu, Pearson Education.
  • Real Time Systems : C.M.Krishna & Kang G. Shin [TMH]

77CS 3: Elective-I: Fundamentals of Multimedia


Multimedia Authoring and Data Representations:

Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Authoring and Tools, Graphics and Image Data Representations.


Color in Image and Video, Fundamental Concepts in Video, Basics of Digital Audio.


Multimedia Data Compression: Lossless Compression Algorithms, Run-Length Coding, Variable-Length Coding (VLC), Huffman Coding, Adaptive Huffman Coding, Lossy Compression Algorithms, Quantization, Uniform Scalar Quantization, Nonuniform Scalar Quantization, Vector Quantization, Transform Coding, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Image Compression Standards.


Basic Video Compression Techniques, MPEG Video Coding I – MPEG-1 and 2, MPEG Video Coding II “” MPEG-4, 7 and Beyond, MPEG Audio Compression.


Multimedia Communication: Computer and Multimedia Networks, Multimedia Network Communications and Applications, Interactive TV (ITV) and Set-Top Box (STB), Broadcast Schemes for Video- on-Demand, Buffer Management, Further Exploration , Wireless Networks , Multimedia over Wireless Networks ,Trends in Wireless Interactive Multimedia .


Multimedia Retrieval: Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries, Minimum three Case studies.

Text Book:

  • Fundamentals of Multimedia 1st Edition by Mark S. Drew & Ze-Nian Li, Pearson Education

Reference Books:

  • Multimedia Fundamentals, Volume 1: Media Coding and Content Processing, 2nd Edition by Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, Pearson Education.
  • Multimedia Making Work (TMH Pub.) by Tay Vaughan.
  • Advanced Multimedia Programming (McGraw Hill Pub.) – Steve Rimmer
  • Digital Image Processing – Gonzalez and Woods, Pearson Education

77CS4: Elective I:-Advanced Computer Architecture

Unit 1

Models of parallel computer, multiprocessors and multicomputers, multivector and SIMP computers, PRAM and VLSI models conditions of parallelism, data and resource dependencies, grain size and latency, grain packing and scheduling, program flow mechanisms, system interconnect architectures.

Unit 2

Principles of scalable performance, performance metrics and measures, speedup performance laws, advanced processor technology, superscaler and vector processors, verified memory, cache memory organizations, shared memory organizations.

Unit 3

Pipeline and superscalar techniques, linear pipeline processors, reservation and latency analysis, collision free scheduling, pipeline schedule optimization, instruction pipeline design, arithmetic pipeline design, superscaler and superpipeline design.

Unit 4

Multiprocessors and multicomputers, multiprocessor system interconnects, cache coherence and synchronization mechanisms, message passing schemes.

Unit 5

Multivector and SIMD computers vector processing principles, compound vector processing, SIMD computer organizations scalable multithread and dataflow architectures.

Unit 6:

Introduction to Parallel Programming Models , Parallel Language Constructs , Elementary theory about dependence analysis, Code optimizations and Scheduling.


  • Kai Hiwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture” McGraw Hill. Richard Y. Kausi, ” Advanced Computer Architecture” Prentice Hall of India.
  • Advanced Computer Architecture by D. Sima, Fountain & Kacsuk, 1st Edition, Pearson Education.

77CS4: Elective-II:- Artificial Intelligence


Introduction: Scope of AI, AI problems, AI technique, Production system Characteristics, Basics of problem solving: problem representation paradigms Defining problem as a state space representation.


Search Techniques: Problem size, complexity, approximation and search; depth, breadth and best search; Heuristic Based Search: Heuristic search, Hill climbing, best-first search, branch and bound


Knowledge representation: First order logic, Unification, Resolution in Predicate Logic. Structured Knowledge Representation: Semantic Nets, Frames, and Scripts.

Learning: Block architecture of learning system, Types of learning, performance Measures


Uncertainty Treatment: formal and empirical approaches including Bayesian theory, belief functions, certainty factors and fuzzy sets.


Expert Systems: Fundamental blocks, Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition, Need and justification for expert systems, Detailed Discussion from Example Domains – (From) Industry, Language, Medicine, Verification, Vision, Knowledge Based Systems; concept of shells.


Language Machine: Introduction to Natural Language understanding. Level of knowledge in NLU, Approaches to NLU, Problems in NLU, Basic parsing techniques.


  • E.Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
  • Introduction to Artifitial Intelligence by E.Charniack and D. Mcdermott, Pearson Education.
  • Artifitial Intelligence structures and strategies for complex problem solving, 4th edition, Pearson education.
  • Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert system (PHI Pub.) – D.W.Patterson.


  • N. J. Nilsson, “Principles of AI”, Narosa Publ. House, 1990.
  • P. H. Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2002.
  • M. N. Hoda, “Foundation Course in Artificial Intelligence”, Vikas Pub., 2004.

77CS4: Elective-II:- Enterprise Resourse Planning


ERP – Curtain RaiserAn overview, Accommodating variety, Integrated Management Information, Seamless Integration, Supply Chain Management, Resource Management, Integrated data model, Scope, Technology, Benefits of ERP, Evolution, ERP revised, ERP & Modern Enterprise, problems.
ERP & Related TechnologiesAn overview, Business Process Reengineering(BPR), Management Information System(MIS), Decision Support Systems(DSS), Executive Information Systems (EIS), Data Warehousing, Data Mining, OLAP.
Business Engineering & ERPAn overview, What is Business Engineering (BE)?
Significance of BE, Principles of BE, BPR, ERP & IT, BE with IT, ERP and Management concerns, problems.
Business Modeling: An overview, Building the Business Model, problems.
ERP Implementation and the Competitive Advantage
An overview, Role of consultants, vendors & users, customization, precautions, ERP:Post-implementation options, ERP implementation Lifecycle, Guidelines for ERP implementation, problems. ERP & competitive strategy, problems.
The ERP Market
& Making of ERP
An overview, SAP AG, SAP R/3 Applications, Baan, Oracle, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Examples of Indian ERP packages, problems.
An overview, Market Dynamics & Competitive Strategy, problems.
Future Directions in ERP.
ERP Case StudiesVarious ERP Case studies.6


  • Enterprise Resource Planning – Concepts & Practice (Second Edition) By V. K. Garg & N.K. Venkitakishnan (PHI)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning- Alexis Leon (TMH)

Reference book:

  • ERP Demystified – By Alexis Leon (TMH)

77CS4: Elective-II:- Operating System Design

General overview of the Unix System, Kernel: Architecture of Unix OS, Kernel data structures, system administration. The buffer cache; advantages & disadvantages.

Internal representation of files, inodes, structures, directories, super block, allocation of disk blocks, System Calls for the file system in Unix.

Processes: States & transitions, Layout of system memory. Context Sleep. Process Control, Process Scheduling and Time.

Memory management policies in Unix. Swapping, demand paging hybrid system. I/O subsystem : drivers & streams.

Interprocess Communication: Process tracing, System V IPC Network communications, Sockets.

Multiprocessor Systems: Problems & solutions with master slave processors. Distributed Unix System.

Text Books :

  • M. J. Bach : The Design of Unix Operating System, Pearson Education
  • A. S. Tanenbaum : Operating System Design & Implementation, 2nd edition, Pearson education D. Comer : Operating System Design (Prentice Hall)





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