Creating Salesforce Query Builder in Node.js and AngularJs using Salesforce REST API and OAuth2 with Heroku Button

In this post, we will be creating a Salesforce Query (SOQL) Builder. It uses Google’s Angularjs MVC Javascript library and REST API provided by Salesforce. For Authentication, it uses OAuth2.

Node.js is used as a primary language and hosted on Heroku. If you want to directly deploy to your Heroku Account, You can use Heroku Button on this Git Repository.

We have many tools available online for Query builder, However none of them were satisfying me so though to create my own tool.

This Node.js application is used for building SOQL with following features :

  • Toggle between API name and Label Name
  • Search Objects or Fileds needs to build SOQL (In my case, it was primitive. I had more than 70 Objects and many of those objects has 300+ fields)
  • Checkboxes to select fields (No need to hold control button to select multiple fields)
  • Automatic Query Builder at Right side of page
  • Shows API count used by application
  • Search returned records
  • Sorting on Table Headers
  • Pagination

Note : You will need to create “Connected App” in Salesforce to allow OAuth as explained in this post.

Live Demo of application

Special thanks to Harshit (OyeCode) and Christophe Coenraets to provide base for creating this application.

SOQL Builder Using Node.js AngularJs Salesforce REST API on Heroku
SOQL Builder Using Node.js AngularJs Salesforce REST API on Heroku

Complete Source Code of application and Deploy directly to your Heroku Account with help of Heroku Button.



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3 responses to “Creating Salesforce Query Builder in Node.js and AngularJs using Salesforce REST API and OAuth2 with Heroku Button”

  1. mailtoharshit Avatar

    Nice, I see you pull meta-data and specially showing the api name, which is key at times

    1. JitendraZaa Avatar

      Thanks Harshit.. Your post helped in this app…

  2. vinhhungle Avatar

    great tool. Thanks for sharing

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