Row expand collapse using jquery and Ajax

This article describes how to expand and collapse rows of a GridView or Table and showing data details using Jquery and Ajax


Now day’s , important issue with web applications is how quick a wed page is rendered  and how it is animated or  visualized

So for quick reply from server Ajax is the solutions and for some visualizations with server side response we mostly use jquery or javascript.
I this article, for exp

anding , collapsing and  adding details to gridview row we are going to use AJAX to make call to server and we will visualized it using jquery.


1. Getting details of product  by extracting details at the next to current row and before second    one.

2. Visualizing  the expanding of rows.

3. No server side postback.

4. Using GridView Control to bind data and simple data binding to table using scriptlet.

Using  Jquery Code

Expanding Row :

For expanding any row, we need to create an new row  with the serverside details  and then we will add it to the next of current row

Ajax JQuery Row Expand Collapse

var trindex=0;	//trindex hold row index created by jquery
$("tr").click(function() {
if ($(this).find("td:first").length > 0) { //check whether it is header or content row
//row index increment to assign new row id everytime
//create a row with td colspan 3 to show product description
var row= '><td class="currRow" colspan="3" ><
div id="did"><img id="imagepath" src=""
style="height: 81px; width: 104px" />  Description :<
span id="des">sd</span><p>Cost :<
span id="cost">sd</span></p></div></td></tr>';

//adding animation to row
var newRow = $("<tr id=tr"+ trindex + row).animate({
height: "140px",
opacity: 0.25,
}, 500);
//adding row to existing table
Collapsing  Row :

At the same moment we expand any row, we collapse previous created row, so we need to remember the previous created rowIndex or it’s id.

Ajax JQuery Row Expand Collapse

    height: "0px",
    opacity: 0.25,
    }, 1000, function() {
<h5>Ajax Call to the server :</h5>
For getting the full details about our shortly highlighted product, we need to make a asynchronous call to
server using AJAX. We are passing some key values to server(product Id) to extract the resultset.
       type: "POST",
       url: "WebService.asmx/GetDetails",   //webserviceName/methodName
       data: "{'name': '" + $(this).find("td span").text() + "'}",  //passing values to webservice(productid)
       contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
       dataType: "json",
       success: function(msg) {
       //extrating response data to newly created row
       $("#tr"+trindex ).find("td #did p #cost").text( );
       $("#tr"+trindex ).find("td #did  #des").text(msg.d.order);
       $("#tr"+trindex ).find("td #did #imagepath").attr('src', msg.d.order);
//$("#myImage").attr("src", "path/to/newImage.jpg");
       error: FailedMessage     //showing error message if failure
Using The WebService.cs

Programmable application logic accessible via standard Web protocols.We are using webservice to extract data from database using jquery Ajax call.  CollectData class to hold extracted details from db.

public class CollectData
        public string cost { get; set; }
        public string imagePath { get; set; }
        public string description { get; set; }

Simple queries to the database via WebMethod

    public CollectData GetDetails(string name)
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select cost, imagePath, description from Products where ProductId='" +
        name + "'",con);
        SqlDataReader data;
        CollectData c = new CollectData();
            if (data.Read())
                c.cost= data[0].ToString();
                c.imagePath = data[1].ToString();
                c.description = data[2].ToString();
                return c;
                c.cost = "N/A";
                c.imagePath = "N/A";
                c.description = "N/A";
                return c;
        catch (Exception ex)
            c.cost = "N/A";
            c.imagePath = "N/A";
            c.description = "N/A";
            return c;


Conclusion :

We have mixed up Jquery, Ajax, server Control(Gridview ) to get quick and visualized output. Result can be little bit change as per the browsers.

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3 responses to “Row expand collapse using jquery and Ajax”

  1. Jitendra Avatar

    Nice article Jayant. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. PPC Revenge 2.0

    PPC Revenge 2.0-…

    PPC Revenge 2.0- You simply just saved me atleast 1 hour of time. I am making a project to this topic and your way of seeing things has helped me through one of the topics of my project. I will browse to the other pages now….

  3. Hari Sadhu Avatar
    Hari Sadhu


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