SUPPORT PACKS:- Support Packs provides enhanced functionality, Bug fixes, changes to the existing Data Dictionary Elements, Repository objects like programs, reports, transactions etc. Support Packs are of various types. Few of them are:
Basis Support Packages (SAP KB 62050)
ABAP Support Packages (SAP KA 62050)
Application Support Packages (SAP KH 47050)
HR Support Packages (SAP KE 47050)
1. SPAU and SPDD list should be checked before start of support package application.
2. Objects in repair state needs to be released.
3. It is recommended that latest SPAM/ SAINT version should be applied before starting and Support Package application.
4. Enough space to hold the support packs in “EPS” in directory USR/SAP/TRANS/EPS/IN. There should be no aborted packages from previous support pack or Plug In applied.
5. Support Packages should be applied in the sequence of number of support packs.
6. Technical & functional consultants need to be informed while applying support packages.
7. Schedule downtime and inform the users.
8. Go through composite note thoroughly before applying support packs. If the support pack is greater than 10MB then uncar the file using command SAPCAR – XVF .sar. When we uncar, two files are generated with extensions .ATT& .PAT
1. Go to transaction code Spam
2. Load Packages from the presentation server/Application server
3. Display all the new support patches to be applied
4. Select the support package to be applied
5. Import the Queue Support Package starts upgrading the system and it goes into various phases like TP connect to DB, DDIC import, DDIC Activation. These phases can be found in Table PAT01. While applying support packages its stops to run SPAU/SPDD.
SPAU: This is the transaction to update repository objects like programs, reports, transactions, function modules while applying support packs. This is the phase where functional consultant’s assistance is required.
SPDD: This is the transaction which is used to update Data Dictionary Elements while applying support packages. This is the phases where functional consultant’s assistance is required.
Note: If the objects are changed earlier with the help of SAP notes, now these notes are part of the support packs which are modifying the system. In this scenario each and every object which were modified earlier with the help of Note are popped up on the screen whether to keep the original or change to newer version.
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