As we know, there are multiple ways to load data inside Salesforce like using Workbench, Jitterbit, API etc… Salesforce also provides standard tool to load data into Salesforce using DataLoader. Dataloader by default supports User Interface or Command Line interface. Most of us already know that User interface based Dataloader needs manual interaction by end user. However if you want to automate data related operations, better choice would be Command Line Data Loader. Assuming you already have basic knowledge about how CLI Data loader works, I will go more advance in this article.
Following are basic steps for CLI Dataloader :
- Download and install DataLoader
- Generate Secret key file
- Generate Password on basis of Secret key generated
- Create “Process-conf.xml” (here is the problem)
- Create field mapping (sdl) file if required
- Execute Data loader from Command line
If you want to repeat same operation every time then there is no issue however what if you need to modify SOQL everytime ? what if you need to extract data, modify some value and upload back to Salesforce ? There are endless possibilities you may want to perform with Dataloader but everytime you will need to manually generate “Process-config.xml“, manually update extracted file and then upload. There are many tools available which will auto generate “Process-config.xml”, but again it will be manual operation everytime.
We will be automating all these problem with help of ANT tool. This article is inspired by this post.
You will need to download ANT and add path of ANT jar file in environment variable.
Also, create secret key file and using this file, you will need to create password, check this post to see how to do it.
Next step would be creating configuration file which will contain server URL, username and password.
# sfSandbox.serverurl = sfProd.serverurl = #Password generated using encrypt.bat #Example to generate Key - encrypt.bat -g somkey #Save above output in key.txt #Example to generate Pwd - encrypt.bat -e urpassword key.txt = = your_encrypted_password_generated_with_securitytoken
template-process-conf.xml (to extract records)
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ""> <beans> <bean id="_object_" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" singleton="false"> <description>TemplatedCsvExtract extracts to a CSV file."</description> <property name="name" value="TemplatedCsvExtract"/> <property name="configOverrideMap"> <map> <entry key="process.encryptionKeyFile" value="config/key.txt"/> <entry key="sfdc.endpoint" value="_serverURL_"/> <entry key="sfdc.username" value="_userName_"/> <entry key="sfdc.password" value="_password_"/> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessages" value="false"/> <entry key="sfdc.timeoutSecs" value="6000"/> <entry key="sfdc.extractionRequestSize" value="_batchSize_"/> <entry key="process.operation" value="extract"/> <entry key="dataAccess.type" value="csvWrite"/> <entry key="sfdc.entity" value="_object_"/> <entry key="sfdc.extractionSOQL" value="_soql_"/> <entry key="" value="_file_"/> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile" value="_logFile_"/> </map> </property> </bean> </beans>
This template will be used to create actual “process-conf.xml” to extract records.
template-process-conf_update.xml (to update records)
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ""> <beans> <bean id="_object_" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" singleton="false"> <description>TemplatedCsvExtract extracts to a CSV file."</description> <property name="name" value="TemplatedCsvExtract"/> <property name="configOverrideMap"> <map> <entry key="process.encryptionKeyFile" value="config/key.txt"/> <entry key="sfdc.endpoint" value="_serverURL_"/> <entry key="sfdc.username" value="_userName_"/> <entry key="sfdc.password" value="_password_"/> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessages" value="false"/> <entry key="sfdc.timeoutSecs" value="6000"/> <entry key="sfdc.extractionRequestSize" value="_batchSize_"/> <entry key="process.operation" value="update"/> <entry key="dataAccess.type" value="csvRead"/> <entry key="sfdc.entity" value="_object_"/> <entry key="" value="_file_"/> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile" value="_logFile_"/> <entry key="process.mappingFile" value="_mappingFile"/> <entry key="process.outputError" value="_opError_"/> <entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="_opSuccess_"/> </map> </property> </bean> </beans>
This template will be used to create actual “process-conf.xml” to update records.
Above 2 xml files will act as a template, in which we will replace parameters like “_serverURL_”,”_userName_” etc… using ANT.
Field Mapping file – AccountFields.sdl
Id=Id Name=Name Status__c=Status__c
Actual ANT file “build.xml”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Export" default="all"> <property file=""/> <property environment="env"/> <tstamp> <format property="todayDate" pattern="MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss" /> <format property="todayDate_only" pattern="MM-dd-yyyy" /> </tstamp> <!-- subtract 2 days from Today --> <tstamp> <format property="twoDaysAgo" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" offset="-2"/> </tstamp> <macrodef name="export_Account"> <attribute name="file"/> <attribute name="object"/> <attribute name="soql"/> <attribute name="userName"/> <attribute name="password"/> <attribute name="serverURL"/> <attribute name="batchSize"/> <attribute name="limit"/> <sequential> <echo message="Exporting @{object}"/> <mkdir dir="exports/${todayDate_only}"/> <mkdir dir="logs/${todayDate_only}"/> <input message="Enter Year, example: 2014" addproperty="date.year" /> <input message="Enter Month in number" validargs="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" addproperty="date.month" /> <input message="Enter Day" addproperty="" /> <copy file="config/template-process-conf.xml" tofile="config/process-conf.xml" overwrite="true" failonerror="true"/> <replace file="config/process-conf.xml"> <replacefilter token="_object_" value="@{object}"/> <replacefilter token="_soql_" value="@{soql} ${date.year}-${date.month}-${}T00:00:00.000+0000 LIMIT @{limit}"/> <replacefilter token="_file_" value="exports/${todayDate_only}/@{file}.csv"/> <replacefilter token="_serverURL_" value="@{serverURL}"/> <replacefilter token="_userName_" value="@{username}"/> <replacefilter token="_password_" value="@{password}"/> <replacefilter token="_batchSize_" value="@{batchSize}"/> <replacefilter token="_logFile_" value="logs/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_log.csv"/> </replace> <java classname="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" classpath="dataloader-28.0.2-uber.jar" failonerror="true"> <sysproperty key="salesforce.config.dir" value="config"/> <arg line="{object}"/> </java> <copy file="exports/${todayDate_only}/@{file}.csv" tofile="exports/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_Updated.csv" overwrite="true" failonerror="true"/> <replace file="exports/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_Updated.csv"> <replacefilter token="UW Created" value="Ready for Sales"/> <replacefilter token="UW Executed" value="Ready for Sales"/> </replace> </sequential> </macrodef> <macrodef name="update_Account"> <attribute name="file"/> <attribute name="object"/> <attribute name="userName"/> <attribute name="password"/> <attribute name="serverURL"/> <attribute name="batchSize"/> <attribute name="mappingFile"/> <sequential> <echo message="Updating @{object}"/> <mkdir dir="exports/${todayDate_only}"/> <mkdir dir="logs/${todayDate_only}"/> <copy file="config/template-process-conf_update.xml" tofile="config/process-conf.xml" overwrite="true" failonerror="true"/> <replace file="config/process-conf.xml"> <replacefilter token="_object_" value="@{object}"/> <replacefilter token="_file_" value="exports/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_Updated.csv"/> <replacefilter token="_serverURL_" value="@{serverURL}"/> <replacefilter token="_userName_" value="@{username}"/> <replacefilter token="_password_" value="@{password}"/> <replacefilter token="_batchSize_" value="@{batchSize}"/> <replacefilter token="_logFile_" value="logs/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_log.csv"/> <replacefilter token="_opSuccess_" value="logs/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_log_Success.csv"/> <replacefilter token="_opError_" value="logs/${todayDate_only}/@{file}_log_error.csv"/> <replacefilter token="_mappingFile" value="@{mappingFile}"/> </replace> <java classname="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" classpath="dataloader-28.0.2-uber.jar" failonerror="true"> <sysproperty key="salesforce.config.dir" value="config"/> <arg line="{object}"/> </java> </sequential> </macrodef> <target name="all"> <export_Account file="Account_backup-${todayDate}" object="Account" soql="Select Id, Name,Status__c from Account WHERE CreatedDate > " userName="${}" password="${}" serverURL="${sfProd.serverurl}" batchSize="200" limit = "1000" /> <update_Account file="Account_backup-${todayDate}" object="Account" userName="${}" password="${}" serverURL="${sfProd.serverurl}" batchSize="1" mappingFile="config/AccountFields.sdl"/> </target> </project>
How it all fits and works ?
- Execute command “ANT all” or create a batch file with this command.
- It will Ask for user input to enter Year, month and Day
- On basis of input provided it will create SOQL to get all Account which are created after that date
- It will Create “process-conf.xml” and dynamically populate soql, export file location, username, password etc.
- It will create two folder if not exists – “exports” and “logs”
- It will create folder by date name to maintain data backup
- Dataloader command will be executed to start exporting Account
- Once Account is exported in CSV file, it will create its copy and replace “status__c” field value by “Ready For Sales”.
- Once file is updated, ANT will create new “Process-conf.xml” to update Account record from “template-process-conf_update.xml” template file.
- Dataloader command will be executed to start updating Account
How to schedule Command line dataloader to run automatically ?
Create batch file with your ANT command, in this case “ANT all”. Schedule this file using Windows scheduler, check this useful post for more information.
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