Change the style of the Today Cell in Month View
Lots of time, we are in need in telerik control that todays date should be highlighted. There is no need in case of Day View and in Week View. But in month view, most of the times we confused between any event and todays date. So below is few CSS hacks which can be used in Telerik Controls.
div.RadScheduler_#skinName# .rsMonthView .rsTodayCell { background-color: #CCFF00; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; }
div.RadScheduler_Office2007 .rsMonthView .rsTodayCell { background-color: #FFEFB8; color: #000; border: 2px solid #EE9311; }
Bind Extra Column / Add Argument in RadSchedular
Add Custom Column as follow on page load event
RadSchedulerEvent.CustomAttributeNames = new string[] { "OwnerId" };
Note: OwnerId column name must be available in DataTable
Get Value of custom Column on AppointmentCreated Event
String ownerId = e.Appointment.Attributes["OwnerId"];
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