Hi Readers,
This time i am here for the Telerik Users. The most common problem faced by the Telerik Toltip User is that The telerik tooltip overlaps the target control. you can find the problem in below image.
To solve this problem we need to add the client side script in Telerik Tooltip for OnClientBeforeShow event.
like this:
<telerik:RadToolTip OnClientBeforeShow="OnClientBeforeShow" Width="200" TargetControlID="lblTooltip" ID="RadToolTip1" runat="server"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vitae ut vitae accumsan dis mauris malesuada, ultricies risus, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vitae ut vitae accumsan dis mauris malesuada, ultricies risus, </telerik:RadToolTip>
Add below javascript in your ASPX page.
<script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientBeforeShow(sender, args) { sender._popupBehavior.set_keepInScreenBounds(false); } </script>
And, thats its. The problem is solved. pretty cool hmm 🙂
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