Create and manage Assignment rules in Salesforce

Assignment rules are used to automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes.

  • Lead Assignment Rules – Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead import wizards.
  • Case Assignment Rules – Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

Aim : All the cases created by user ‘jZaa’ should be assigned to ‘Jitendra Yahoo’.

To create this Assignment rule, go to Setup | App Setup | Cases | Assignment Rules and on right hand side click on New.

In first step, give the assignment rule name, lets say name is ‘to jitendra Yahoo’. You may have noted the check box which says “Set this as the active case assignment rule” click on this.

After creating rule, click on that rule and click on New.

Rule Entry for the Case Assignment in Salesforce
Rule Entry for the Case Assignment in Salesforce

As you can see in above screen shot, at step 1 enter the order in which this rule should be run, as there may be multiple rules in assignment.

in step 2 we can choose criteria or formula. here i have choose the option to create formula.

In step 3, i have written the formula that if user alias is ‘JZaa’

In step 4, i have assigned the case to user “Jitendra Yahoo” if formula comes true

and in step 5, i have assigned the email template which should be sent after assignment.

The working example of above rule is shown in below screen shot:

Assignment rule of salesforce in action
Assignment rule of salesforce in action

As you can see in above figure, Case created by JZaa is automatically assigned to the “Jitendra Yah00” and those our assignment rule is working as expected.

Note : If there is no assignment rule then case is assigned to Creator itself.




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13 responses to “Create and manage Assignment rules in Salesforce”

  1. Durga Prasad Avatar
    Durga Prasad

    Hi jitendhra,

    I have created the assignment rule as u mentioned, I have given assignment rule name, user and email template. After creating as case owner is assigned to the user which is provided in assignment rule, but mail is not sending to case owner. Please advise

    1. Bhushan Patil Avatar
      Bhushan Patil

      Hey, I was getting the same problem but it could not be solved so finally I moved toward workflow rule and its working fine..

      1. JitendraZaa Avatar

        There checkbox at bottom of page, which says Run active assignment rule. You need to check that

  2. Ayush Garg Avatar
    Ayush Garg

    Hi jitendhra,
    I have created the assignment rule as u mentioned, I have given assignment rule name, user and email template. After creating as case owner is assigned to the queue which is provided in assignment rule, but mail is not sending to queue . Please advise

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Are you using Sandbox ? Can you check your email logs if email is sent or not ? Check this article, which explains how to use email log –

      1. Ayush Garg Avatar
        Ayush Garg

        Yes, I am using Sandbox..

        1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

          I dont receive any email from Sandbox in my company email address and most of time endup using personal email like gmail for testing purpose.

          1. Ayush Garg Avatar
            Ayush Garg

            So , you mean to say that I will only get mail when it will work in production and not in sandbox?? i think similar to escalation rules..correct?

          2. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

            It happens in my case because my Email server of my employer restricts email from Sandbox, I only receive system emails from Sandbox like password reset. I would suggest you to check it by providing your personal email

          3. Ayush Garg Avatar
            Ayush Garg

            Ok.. But I verifed in email logs, there is no email which was sent on today’s date.. i think i am missing out on some configuration part.

      2. Ayush Garg Avatar
        Ayush Garg

        16:22:32.154 (154874607)|EXECUTION_STARTED
        16:22:32.154 (154913130)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:Case
        16:22:32.190 (190607863)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Assignment
        16:22:32.190 (190690965)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Case: 00001012 50017000001qOSx]|AU assignment|01Q17000000CzQN
        16:22:32.190 (190698358)|WF_RULE_ENTRY_ORDER|1
        16:22:32.198 (198415936)|WF_RULE_FILTER|[Account : Billing Country equals Australia]
        16:22:32.198 (198438694)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|Columbia
        16:22:32.198 (198442015)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
        16:22:32.198 (198458683)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Case: 00001012 50017000001qOSx]|AU assignment|01Q17000000CzQN
        16:22:32.198 (198464974)|WF_RULE_ENTRY_ORDER|2
        16:22:32.198 (198499055)|WF_RULE_FILTER|[Account : Billing Country equals Columbia]
        16:22:32.198 (198513499)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|Columbia
        16:22:32.198 (198515619)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
        16:22:32.217 (217967423)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Assignment
        16:22:32.218 (218066656)|WF_RULE_INVOCATION|[Case: 00001012 50017000001qOSx]
        16:22:32.219 (219885456)|WF_ASSIGN|NZ Support|00X1a000000VBZF
        16:22:32.219 (219918063)|WF_RULE_INVOCATION|[Case: 00001012 50017000001qOSx]
        16:22:32.221 (221672464)|WF_ACTION|.
        16:22:32.221 (221680777)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
        16:22:32.281 (281296241)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Assign: 1; Assign Team: 1;
        16:22:32.281 (281309105)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:Case
        16:22:32.281 (281319095)|EXECUTION_FINISHED

        1. Rachel Avatar

          Most Sandboxes have Deliverability set to System Email Only to prevent emails from sending out to clients and users when testing functionality. Check to see if this is the case and then change it to All Email temporarily if you actually want to get the email while testing – be careful not to email actual users/clients – recommended to switch it back to System Email Only when done testing the email piece.

  3. nishant dhote Avatar

    Hi let me now assignment rule work on developer Edition I was trying but its not working my developer org.

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