Delete Components using Ant Migration tool – Video

I have posted multiple basic and advance articles about using ANT or ANT migration tool with Salesforce. Some of most visited articles are :

Going through multiple comments, I decided to create this 5 minute video tutorial to demonstrate, how we can use DestructiveChanges.xml in Ant migration tool to delete components.

As known already, we cannot simply delete components from Salesforce production using changeset. Apex classes, triggers etc cannot be deleted manually as well.

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2 responses to “Delete Components using Ant Migration tool – Video”

  1. Bhargavi Avatar

    @Jitendra: I have question in regards to delete custom fields.
    I have added the fields to be deleted in destructivechanges.xml.What happens to profile in my repository.Do i need to remove the references for that field in profiles file in the repository.

    Please let me know.

  2. svk Avatar

    @Jitendra: Thanks you very much for all your tutorial. I have question in regards to generating DestructiveChanges.xml in an automatic way. Could you please give some insight on this. Do you have scripts/tutorial for this, if so can you please share it.
    is it possible to generate

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