Step by Step Salesforce Tutorial – Creating Workflow rule – 5 of 6

  1. Creating custom object
  2. Creating Fields
  3. Creating Tab and Validation Rule
  4. Creating Email Template
  5. Creating Workflow rule
  6. Creating Trigger and Test cases

Workflow is the automation of the following types of actions based on your organization’s processes:

  • Tasks – Assign a new task to a user, role, or record owner.
  • Email Alerts – Send an email to one or more recipients you specify.
  • Field Updates – Update the value of a field on a record.
  • Outbound Messages – Send a secure configurable API message (in XML format) to a designated listener.

For example, workflow can automatically:

  • Assign follow-up tasks to a support rep one week after a case is updated.
  • Send sales management an email alert when a sales rep qualifies a large deal.
  • Change the Owner field on a contract three days before it expires.
  • Trigger an outbound API message to an external HR system to initiate the reimbursement process for an approved expense report.

To create workflow rule, go to App Setup | Workflow & Approvals | Workflow rules and click on new Workflow rule.

Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 1
Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 1

Step 1 in creating workflow rule is selecting the object, on which the workflow will be created.

in step 2, Evaluation criteria have three options to choose:

  • When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria: Choose this option to include new records and updates to existing records, unless the rule just ran and still meets the rule criteria. The rule is not re-triggered on edits that do not affect rule criteria. For example, if setting an opportunity rating to “Hot” causes the rule to run, with this option, the rule will run again only if the rating changes, then changes back to “Hot”””no matter how many times you edit the object.
  • Only when a record is created: Choose this option to ignore updates to existing records.
  • Every time a record is created or edited: Choose this option to include new records and updates to existing records and repeatedly trigger the rule, even if the record still meets the criteria. You cannot add time-dependent actions to the rule if you choose Every time a record is created or edited.

Note : You can’t add time-dependent actions to a rule if you choose Every time a record is created or edited.

Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 2
Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 2

So, in step 2 basically we create a criteria when the rule should run.

Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 3
Salesforce creating Workflow rule step 3

In step 3, we can specify the action what should happen if workflow criteria meets.

In this case, i have selected New Email Alert, below screen shot is self explanatory about the process.

Salesforce add email alert in workflow action
Salesforce add email alert in workflow action

We have to select the recipients for the email, in our case Email field have the email address of the student. We have also selected the newly created email template “Welcome to shivasoft”.

In this tutorial, we have covered how to create the Workflow rule criteria and action in

In next part of tutorial, we will see how to create the trigger for our application.





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19 responses to “Step by Step Salesforce Tutorial – Creating Workflow rule – 5 of 6”

  1. Irfan Avatar


    Could you please provide me details about salesforce.

    You can reach me on my mobile 9962024234 or you can write me at

    Many thanks,

  2. laxmi Avatar

    how to do page pagelayout assignment throut profile can u explain, your blog is very useful for me


    1.  Avatar

      Hi Laxmi,
      Go to the Custom Object or Standard Object Page.
      Now navigate to page layout section and create New Page layout or on existing Page layout click on “Page Layout Assignment” button. Now assign the page to desired profile.

      Jitendra Zaa

  3. Sudheer Avatar

    Hi friends
    this is sudheer, im learning,can any one tell me how to write triggers

    1. JitendraZaa Avatar

      Hi Sudheer,
      Please refer this article -

  4. Sheenamjagga Avatar

    i am not getting Workflow & Approvals option plz help me if u can

    1. JitendraZaa Avatar

      Which version of Salesforce do you have ? your profile is “System Administrator” ?

      1. Sheenamjagga Avatar

        hi JitendraZaa,
        thanks for replying
        I am learning  it by using free developer account logging into created it till validation rule and tad

        1. Udish Udish Avatar
          Udish Udish

          I am also facing the same problem. Please help you solved the problem.

  5. Sheenamjagga Avatar

    shud i subscribe 4 dis or wat?

  6. Abbas Avatar

    nice explanation

  7. sunil Avatar

    hi i am sunil i have done salesforce CRM course and searching for job.but my teacher doestn’t teach properly can any help me by teaching number 09620599954.i was staying in bangalore.kindly pls help me.

  8. Ravi Avatar

    how to create record types?
    those record types are picking from picklist?

  9. BgSfdc Avatar

    I am not able to see worklfows in salesforce winter13. Can anyone guide how it can be enabled or let me is there any new functionality to setup workflows in v13.

  10. pramida Avatar

    Hi im pramida,
    i just started working with workflows can you please help me to write a workflow which will send email to users every friday with the events they did last week and the events they have to do next week.
    you can reachout to me through mail

  11. Kishore Avatar

    HI All,

    Any Idea of how to testing the salesforce application,pls share the knowledge…


  12. Anand BIsht (Cognizant) Avatar
    Anand BIsht (Cognizant)

    Very nice article. Self explanatory. Thnx Jitendra

  13. Shabnum Avatar

    Can you explain me when to go for workflow ,process builder,trigger and batch .Becoz on what crirteria we need to choose and also in what scenario we have use these all .I need a explanation with example that will be helpful.Thanks in advance

  14. Piyush Chourse Avatar
    Piyush Chourse

    i want to create a checkbox name “copy” just below the mailing address, and whenever i select the checkbox it will automatically copy the address to other mailing adress fields.(like same as above fields)
    How can i do this with workflow rules?

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