Before going to this feature, lets try to outline problem first. Consider a situation where we need to create a task when lead source is Email and send an email to owner if lead source is Email and company name as ABC.
If we try to solve it using process builder, very soon we will understand that it is not possible in one process builder. Process builder can have only one criteria with true and false condition. In previous process builder, we could either perform action if lead source is Email or lead source is Email and company ABC. There is no way to define new criteria which will run along with previous criteria as shown in below image.
I was in situation to add multiple decision in process builder and thought to have a look in Summer 16 pre- release Org. I don’t have any words to express my happiness :). Checkout below image, now, we can have multiple decisions in same process builder and no need to create multiple processes for same object.
I am sure my client can wait one more month to deploy a change after I get this feature of process builder.
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