JSON stands for “Javascript Object Notation” and often used to interchange the data between servers. Its use is increased in web development because of its flexibility and data support.
I have created Online JSON parser using JQuery library.
Live Demo – Online JSON Parser
Javascript code for the JSON Parser Using JQuery.
var num = 1; var className = " "; var jsonData = " "; function parseJSON() { $("#divMessage").css("display", "block"); $('.placeHolder').html(""); num = 1; jsonData = $.trim($("#txtData").val()); $.getJSON(jsonData, function (data) { $.each(data, function (key, val) { getJson(val); }); $("#divMessage").css("display", "none"); }); } function getJson(JData) { $.each(JData, function (Jkey, Jval) { if (Jval && typeof Jval == "object") { getJson(Jval); } else { className = (num % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; if (num == 1) { $('.placeHolder').append("<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</td></th>"); } $('.placeHolder').append("<tr class="" + className + ""><td>" + Jkey + "</td><td>" + Jval + "</td></tr>"); num = num + 1; } }); }
The code is self explanatory, i have used the getJSON() method of the jquery.
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