BE 3rd sem CSE syllabus of RTM Nagpur University

33CS1: Applied Mathematics

Unit 1:
Integral Transforms Fourier integral theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms and their simple properties. Simple applications of Laplace transforms to-solve ordinary differential equations including simultaneous equation Application to one dimensional partial differential equations. The z-transform definition and properties, inversion, relation with Laplace transform, Application of
z-transform to solve difference equations with constant coefficients.

Unit 2:
Complex variables Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, conjugate, functions, singularities, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula (Statement only) Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem(statement only) Residue
theorem, contour integration.

Unit 3:
Calculus of Variations Maxima and Minima of functional, variation and its properties Euler’s-equation, functional dependent on first and second
order derivatives, simple applications.

Unit 4:
Fourier Series Periodic function and their Fourier expansion. Even and odd function, change of interval half range expansion. Partial Differential Equation: Partial-Differential Equation of first order first degree, i.e Langrange’s form, Linear Homogeneous P.D.E. of Nth order with constant coeffient method of separation of variables.

Unit 5:
Matrices Inverse of matrix by partitioning method, Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method and its use solving – simultaneous equation, Rank of matrix, Consistency of a system of equation, Linear dependence, linear and orthogonal transformations.

Unit 6:
Matrices Characteristic equation, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Reduction of a diagonal form, Statement and verification of Cayley-Hamilton theorem; Sylvester’s theorem, Association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with a constant coefficient, Determination of largest eigenvalue by iteration method.

Text Books:
· Advanced Engineering Mathematics, kreyzig
· Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. Grewal

Reference Books:
· Mathematics of Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
· Advance Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
· Applied Mathematics for Engineers, L.A. Pipes & Harville
· A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, P.N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar

33CS2: Programming Fundamentals In “C”

Introduction to programming, programming languages, algorithms, flowcharts. C: Data types, Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statements, console I/O statements, Selection statements: if-else, switch, Iteration Statements: for, while, do-while, Jump statements: return, go to, break, continue, comments.

Function, Call by value, Call by reference, calling functions with arrays, arguments to main(), return statements, recursion, function prototypes, inline keyword, preprocessor directives. Pointers: pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers, multiple indirection, pointers to functions, dynamic allocation functions.

Arrays : single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, variable length arrays. Strings, array
of strings.
Structures : array of structures, passing structure to function, structure pointers, structure within structures. Unions, bitfields, enumerations, size of, type def.

File I/O : Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O, fprintf(), fscanf(), standard streams.

Advanced Concepts in C: Different types of pointers, ROM-BIOS functions, Elementary TSRs.

Text Books:
· The Complete Reference C ( 4th Edition) : Herbert Schildt [ TMH]
· C How to Program, 4th Edition by H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Pearson Education.
· Writing TSRs through C : Yashwant Kanetkar ( BPB)

Reference Books :
· The C Programming Language : Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan [Pearson]
· Programming with C : K.R.Venugopal & S.R.Prasad [TMH]
· Let Us C : Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]

33CS3: Digital Circuits & Fundamental of Microprocessor:

Motivation for digital systems – Logic and Boolean algebra, Number System: Binary ,Hexadecimal ,Octal ,Gray. Gates & truth tables, propositions, Demorgan’s law minimization of combinational circuits using Karnaugh maps.

Multiplexers, Demultiplexer , Encoders ,Decoders ,Code Converters, Adders , Subtractor (Half ,Full),BCD Adder/Subtractor , ripple and carry look-ahead addition.

Storage elements, Flip-flops and latches: D, T, J/K, S/R flip-flops. Master Slave Conversion of one of type of F/F to another.

Counters, asynchronous and synchronous-design using state and excitation tables.

Introduction to mp 8085, Addressing modes, Instruction Set of mp 8085

Interrupts of 8085, Programming of mp 8085.

Text books :
· Digital Design 3rd Edition by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
· Digital logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
· Digital Cicuit & Design –R.P.Jain
· Digital circuit & design- A.P.Godse
· Fundamental Of Digital Electronics- A.Anand Kumar
· 8 bit microprocessor & controller –V.J.Vibhute
· 8 bit Microprocessor – Gaonkar.

33CS4: Combinatorial Theories

Combinatorics: Basic counting techniques, pigeon-hole principle, recurrence relations, generating functions. Examples using ordinary power series and exponential generating functions, general properties of such functions.
Dirichlet Series as generating functions. A general family of problems described in terms of “cards, decks and handa” with solution methods using generating

Generating function proofs of the sieve formula and of various combinatorial identities. Certifying combinatorial identities. Some analytical methods and asymptotic results. Polya’s counting theorem. Basics of graph theory. Introduction to probabilistic method in combinatorics.

Number Theory Examples of continued fractions. The study of the continued fractions. Alpha has infinite continued fraction if alpha is irrational.
Formal logic: Propositional logic: proof system, semantics, completeness, compactness. Length of proofs, polynomial size proofs, efficiency of proof systems.

Alpha has periodic continued fraction if alpha is quadratic irrational.
Application to approximation of irrationals by rationals. Hurwitz’s Theorem.
First order logic: models, proof system, compactness, Examples of formal proofs in say, number theory or group theory. Some advanced topics.

Application to solutions of Pell’s equation. Proof that means cos{(p x pi)/q},for natural numbers p and q,are irrational(apart from obvious exceptions). Example : CS application of logic, introduction to modal and temporal logics, Or formal number theory including incompleteness theorem.

Liouville’s Theoram on algebraic numbers.Construction of transcendental numbers.
Elements of proof theory including cut elimination, Or zero-one law for first order logic.

Text Book:
· Niven, Zuckerman and Montgomery, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, (5th edition),1991,Wiley.

33CS1: Applied Mathematics

Unit 1:
Integral Transforms Fourier integral theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms and their simple properties. Simple applications of Laplace transforms to-solve ordinary differential equations including simultaneous equation Application to one dimensional partial differential equations. The z-transform definition and properties, inversion, relation with Laplace transform, Application of
z-transform to solve difference equations with constant coefficients.

Unit 2:
Complex variables Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, conjugate, functions, singularities, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula (Statement only) Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem(statement only) Residue
theorem, contour integration.

Unit 3:
Calculus of Variations Maxima and Minima of functional, variation and its properties Euler’s-equation, functional dependent on first and second
order derivatives, simple applications.

Unit 4:
Fourier Series Periodic function and their Fourier expansion. Even and odd function, change of interval half range expansion. Partial Differential Equation: Partial-Differential Equation of first order first degree, i.e Langrange’s form, Linear Homogeneous P.D.E. of Nth order with constant coeffient method of separation of variables.

Unit 5:
Matrices Inverse of matrix by partitioning method, Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method and its use solving – simultaneous equation, Rank of matrix, Consistency of a system of equation, Linear dependence, linear and orthogonal transformations.

Unit 6:
Matrices Characteristic equation, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Reduction of a diagonal form, Statement and verification of Cayley-Hamilton theorem; Sylvester’s theorem, Association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with a constant coefficient, Determination of largest eigenvalue by iteration method.

Text Books:
· Advanced Engineering Mathematics, kreyzig
· Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. Grewal

Reference Books:
· Mathematics of Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
· Advance Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
· Applied Mathematics for Engineers, L.A. Pipes & Harville
· A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, P.N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar

33CS2: Programming Fundamentals In “C”

Introduction to programming, programming languages, algorithms, flowcharts. C: Data types, Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statements, console I/O statements, Selection statements: if-else, switch, Iteration Statements: for, while, do-while, Jump statements: return, go to, break, continue, comments.

Function, Call by value, Call by reference, calling functions with arrays, arguments to main(), return statements, recursion, function prototypes, inline keyword, preprocessor directives. Pointers: pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers, multiple indirection, pointers to functions, dynamic allocation functions.

Arrays : single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, variable length arrays. Strings, array
of strings.
Structures : array of structures, passing structure to function, structure pointers, structure within structures. Unions, bitfields, enumerations, size of, type def.

File I/O : Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O, fprintf(), fscanf(), standard streams.

Advanced Concepts in C: Different types of pointers, ROM-BIOS functions, Elementary TSRs.

Text Books:
· The Complete Reference C ( 4th Edition) : Herbert Schildt [ TMH]
· C How to Program, 4th Edition by H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Pearson Education.
· Writing TSRs through C : Yashwant Kanetkar ( BPB)

Reference Books :
· The C Programming Language : Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan [Pearson]
· Programming with C : K.R.Venugopal & S.R.Prasad [TMH]
· Let Us C : Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]

33CS3: Digital Circuits & Fundamental of Microprocessor:

Motivation for digital systems – Logic and Boolean algebra, Number System: Binary ,Hexadecimal ,Octal ,Gray. Gates & truth tables, propositions, Demorgan’s law minimization of combinational circuits using Karnaugh maps.

Multiplexers, Demultiplexer , Encoders ,Decoders ,Code Converters, Adders , Subtractor (Half ,Full),BCD Adder/Subtractor , ripple and carry look-ahead addition.

Storage elements, Flip-flops and latches: D, T, J/K, S/R flip-flops. Master Slave Conversion of one of type of F/F to another.

Counters, asynchronous and synchronous-design using state and excitation tables.

Introduction to mp 8085, Addressing modes, Instruction Set of mp 8085

Interrupts of 8085, Programming of mp 8085.

Text books :
· Digital Design 3rd Edition by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
· Digital logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
· Digital Cicuit & Design –R.P.Jain
· Digital circuit & design- A.P.Godse
· Fundamental Of Digital Electronics- A.Anand Kumar
· 8 bit microprocessor & controller –V.J.Vibhute
· 8 bit Microprocessor – Gaonkar.

33CS4: Combinatorial Theories

Combinatorics: Basic counting techniques, pigeon-hole principle, recurrence relations, generating functions. Examples using ordinary power series and exponential generating functions, general properties of such functions.
Dirichlet Series as generating functions. A general family of problems described in terms of “cards, decks and handa” with solution methods using generating

Generating function proofs of the sieve formula and of various combinatorial identities. Certifying combinatorial identities. Some analytical methods and asymptotic results. Polya’s counting theorem. Basics of graph theory. Introduction to probabilistic method in combinatorics.

Number Theory Examples of continued fractions. The study of the continued fractions. Alpha has infinite continued fraction if alpha is irrational.
Formal logic: Propositional logic: proof system, semantics, completeness, compactness. Length of proofs, polynomial size proofs, efficiency of proof systems.

Alpha has periodic continued fraction if alpha is quadratic irrational.
Application to approximation of irrationals by rationals. Hurwitz’s Theorem.
First order logic: models, proof system, compactness, Examples of formal proofs in say, number theory or group theory. Some advanced topics.

Application to solutions of Pell’s equation. Proof that means cos{(p x pi)/q},for natural numbers p and q,are irrational(apart from obvious exceptions). Example : CS application of logic, introduction to modal and temporal logics, Or formal number theory including incompleteness theorem.

Liouville’s Theoram on algebraic numbers.Construction of transcendental numbers.
Elements of proof theory including cut elimination, Or zero-one law for first order logic.

Text Book:
· Niven, Zuckerman and Montgomery, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, (5th edition),1991,Wiley.

33CS5: Principles Of Management

Nature and Functions of Management, Management yesterday and today, Planning and Decision making.

Management Information System: Introduction, Conceptual Foundations, Information System Requirement.

Marketing Management: Marketing concept, Indian Marketing Environment, Market segmentation, Market Planning, International Marketting.

Financial Management

Human Resource Management: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and development, Security, Safety and Health

Organization Behavior: Organization Structure and design. Designing Effective Organization, Managing Job Stress, Organization Development

Textbooks :
· Principles of management , P C Tripathi and P N Reddy
· Management Information System,Gordan Davis and H. Olison McGraw Hill Pub.
· Human Resources and Personal Management, William Werther and Keith Davis
· Marketing Management, V S Ramaswamy and S Namakumari
· Organization Behavior, High Arnold and Daniel Feldman McGraw Hill
· Financial Management, Khanna

33CS6: Computer Workshop

Practical to be based on following topics:
· Study of PC Hardware:
· Basic computer Organization
· PC construction
· Study of BIOS and CMOS
· Working under DOS and WINDOWS operating systems:
· Internal and External DOS commands.
· Basics required for working under Windows operating System
· Study of control panel.

. Working under UNIX /LINUX Operating Systems:
· Structure: Unix Architecture
· Features of UNIX operating system
· Layered model of UNIX operating system (study of kernel and Shell)
· General file commands and Directory commands
· File structure and Directory structure

Introduction to Networking Accessories:
· Study of user connections.
· Study of communication channels.
· Study of network architecture (topologies)
· Study of Network Types.

Books to Refer:
· Computer Fundamentals – Pradeep K.Sinha
· Introduction to Computer Science by ITL ESL, Pearson Education.
· Introdution to UNIX and shell programming by M.G. Venkateshmurthy, Pearson Education
· Unix Shell programming –Yeshwant Kanetkar





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30 responses to “BE 3rd sem CSE syllabus of RTM Nagpur University”

  1. Shivasoft…

    […] something about shivasoft[…]…

  2. Swapnil Avatar

    Thanx for giving the syllabus.
    But it will more helpful if you give the marks distribution of each unit.

  3. Mohini Avatar

    Please email me the syllabus of 3rd sem of Electronicsof RTMNU. Waiting for reply……

  4. dilip khune Avatar

    in nagpur university syllabus for 3rd sem comp. engg. and comp. science are same or different . M3 subject is in the course of 3rd sem comp . engg. is included or not me

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Syllabus is different for all stream.

  5. shalaka agrawal Avatar
    shalaka agrawal

    plz give me details of computer engg. subjects of 3rd and 4th semisters…..

  6. gouravbibhor Avatar

    Is their is any similarity between electronics and computer science branch

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Hi Gourav,
      only 1-2 subjects are common in Electronics and Computer Science.

  7. Snehal Avatar

    Is there any difference between CSE & CS?
    if yes then what?
    which one is better IT or CS?

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Hi Snehal,
      CSE and CS are same.
      CS is preferred over IT in Nagpur university.

      Jitendra Zaa

  8. ajit Avatar

    Its looking very easy.

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Thats good. 🙂
      Best of luck dude…

  9. vikas Avatar

    nice thanx for dis but can usend this syllabus to my email

  10. kajal Avatar

    i m in need of question papers of last four years of cse branch nagpur university

  11. kajal Avatar

    i m in need of question papers of 3 sem cse branch nagpur university

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Hi Kajal,
      This is not legal to display the question papers of RTM nagpur university. you can buy the set at Nagpur university library or any book stall.

      Jitendra Zaa

    2. Akshay Ghuge Avatar
      Akshay Ghuge

      You have notes of CSE 3rd semester then I will give question papers of third semester of CSE

  12. Aashish8600p Avatar

    me 2 miss kajal if u found cntc me on fb

  13. sayali Avatar

    please provide me with the syllabus for Computer engineering for nagpur university.. its found nowhere:(

  14. Vidya rao Avatar
    Vidya rao

    Is there any difference between C.TECH & CSE?

  15. monali nasre Avatar
    monali nasre

    i need cse 3rd sem question papers of all subject

    1. Akshay Ghuge Avatar
      Akshay Ghuge

      You have notes of CSE 3rd semester of all subjects please sent me and I will give you question papers of all subjects

  16. bishwajit singh Avatar
    bishwajit singh

    a new subject added sir ethics in it.??????

  17. bishwajit singh Avatar
    bishwajit singh

    if i have a backlog of 3rd sem then , i have to prepare for ethics in IT or combinatorial theories ?,, but in new pattern ct ,i think removed..
    sir which paper i have to prepare? plz give me answer.plz

  18. rushikesh Avatar

    please provide me with the syllabus for Computer engineering for nagpur university.

  19. damini Avatar

    hi! i am damini cse student, i need 3rd sem sample peper of all sub of last 4 year for study

    1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Hi Damini, Its almost 8 years of my graduation. If you can connect me someone from RTM, may be any students who has information as svanned copy, I would be happy to put it here.

      1. damini Avatar

        thanku very much sir , i am thankful you from my heart!!!

  20. Mohit Avatar

    can u send m link to find out BE Mechanical Engg. 3rd sem University question paper of new pattern
    on mail id :

  21. Akshay Ghuge Avatar
    Akshay Ghuge

    Sir I need CSE 3rd semester notes of all subjects

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