Circular Progress Bar v2

Circular Progress Bar with Conditional Theme – Salesforce Lightning Component

Just after two days of writing Circular Progress Bar , came up with few more requirements. So, In this post, will share updated code of Circular Progress Bar. This component can be easily used from Lightning App Builder, check this video to get an idea on how it can be used and configured.

Complete source code of this component is available on my git repository. Make sure to follow me to get updated by other free source codes. 🙂

In additional to all previous capabilities, below features are added:

  1. Conditional Theme – Let’s say before 50% progress bar should be displayed as red and after 50% green.
  2. Threshold – On basis of this value, theme will change
  3. Added one more theme – red
  4. We can show value inside component in three format now – percentage, Actual value or Mix
  5. Legend font size changes according to size of component

Apex class – CircularProgressController

 * Author	:	Jitendra Zaa
 * Desc		:	Controller class for LEX component CircularProgress.
 * 			:	On the basis of field API name passed, it calculates percentage of completion.
 * */
public class CircularProgressController {    
     * This class is used to return as JSON Object
    class WrapperJSON{
        public Integer total {get;set;}
        public Integer actual {get;set;}
        public Integer val {get;set;}
    public static String computePercentage(String sObjectName, String recordId, String totalValueFieldName, String actualValueFieldName){
        Integer retVal = 0 ;
        String query = null;
        WrapperJSON retObj = new WrapperJSON();
        if(totalValueFieldName != null && totalValueFieldName.trim() != '' &&  actualValueFieldName != null && actualValueFieldName.trim() != '' ){
            query = 'SELECT '+totalValueFieldName+', '+actualValueFieldName+' FROM '+sObjectName+' WHERE Id =: recordId';
        else if (actualValueFieldName != null && actualValueFieldName.trim() != '' ) {
            query = 'SELECT '+actualValueFieldName+' FROM '+sObjectName+' WHERE Id =: recordId';
        if(query != null){
                List<SOBject> lstObj = Database.query(query);
                if(lstObj.size() > 0){
                    Decimal totalVal = 0;
                    Decimal actualVal = 0; 
                    if(totalValueFieldName != null && totalValueFieldName.trim() != ''){ 
                        totalVal = Decimal.valueOf(String.valueOf(lstObj[0].get(totalValueFieldName)));
               = Integer.valueOf(totalVal) ; 
                    actualVal = Decimal.valueOf(String.valueOf(lstObj[0].get(actualValueFieldName)));                     
                    //Means only 1 API Name was supplied and field type is percentage
                    if(totalVal == 0){
                        retObj.val = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ; 
                        retObj.actual = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ;  
                    }else if (actualVal > 0){
                        retObj.val = Integer.valueOf( ( actualVal / totalVal ) * 100 );   
                        retObj.actual = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ;  
            }catch(Exception e){}
        return JSON.serialize(retObj) ;        

Test class – CircularProgressControllerTest (96%)

* Author : Jitendra Zaa
* Desc : Test class for Apex - CircularProgressController
* */
public class CircularProgressControllerTest {

@testSetup static void methodName() {
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Circular Progress bar Test',Amount=80,Probability=60,stageName='In Progress',;
insert opp;

* Below test method creates dynamic SOQL on the basis of two field API provided
* */
static void testUsingFields(){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, Amount, ExpectedRevenue FROM Opportunity];
String retVal = CircularProgressController.computePercentage('Opportunity',,'Amount','ExpectedRevenue');

CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON retPOJO = (CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON)JSON.deserialize(retVal, CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON.class);
System.assertEquals(retPOJO.actual, 48) ;
System.assertEquals(, 80) ;
System.assertEquals(retPOJO.val, 60) ;

* Below test method creates dynamic SOQL on the basis of single field considering it as
* percentage type of field
* */
static void testUsingSingleField(){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, Amount, ExpectedRevenue FROM Opportunity];
String retVal = CircularProgressController.computePercentage('Opportunity',,'','Amount');

CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON retPOJO = (CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON)JSON.deserialize(retVal, CircularProgressController.WrapperJSON.class);
System.assertEquals(retPOJO.actual, 80) ;
System.assertEquals(, null) ;
System.assertEquals(retPOJO.val, 80) ;




<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes, flexipage:availableForRecordHome, force:hasRecordId, force:hasSObjectName" access="global" controller="CircularProgressController">
    <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="Id" description="Id of record on which this component is hosted." />
    <aura:attribute name="sObjectName" type="String" description="API name of record on which this component is hosted." />
    <aura:attribute name="resultFormat" type="String" default="Percentage" description="Format of result to be displayed inside Circular Progress Bar. Allowed values are Percentage, Actual Number, Mix." />
    <aura:attribute name="Legend" type="String" description="Legend to display" />
	<aura:attribute name="perText" type="String" default="0%" description="Text to display inside circle. It is auto calculated field and used internally." />
    <aura:attribute name="cirDeg" type="String" default="0" description="Degree of Progress to show. It is auto calculated field and used internally." />
    <aura:attribute name="totalProgress" type="String" default="100" description="Total progress. It can be number OR API name of field." />
    <aura:attribute name="actualProgress" type="String" default="50" description="Actual progress. It can be number OR API name of field." />
    <aura:attribute name="themeBeforeThreshold" type="String" default="green" description="Theme of Circular Progress Bar. Possible values are blue, green, orange." />
    <aura:attribute name="themeAfterThreshold" type="String" default="red" description="Theme of Circular Progress Bar. Possible values are blue, green, orange." />
    <aura:attribute name="theme" type="String" default="green" description="Internally used attribute to decide final theme on basis of threshold value"/>  
    <aura:attribute name="size" type="String" default="small" description="Size of Circular Progress Bar. Possible values are small, medium, big." />
    <aura:attribute name="threshold" type="String" default="50" description="This field can be used to support multiple theme after threshold value" /> 
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>

<div class="clearFloats slds-align--absolute-center">

<div class="{! ( v.cirDeg >
 179 ) ? 'container p50plus '+v.theme+' '+v.size : 'container '+v.theme +' '+v.size }">
                <aura:if isTrue="{! v.resultFormat == 'Percentage' }">
                <aura:if isTrue="{! v.resultFormat == 'Actual Number' }">
                <aura:if isTrue="{! v.resultFormat == 'Mix' }">

<div class="slice">

<div class="bar" style="{! '-webkit-transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg); -moz-transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg); -ms-transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg); -o-transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg); transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg); -ms-transform: rotate('+v.cirDeg+'deg);'}"></div>

<div class="fill"></div>
<div class="{!v.size + ' clearFloats slds-align--absolute-center legend '}"> 



	doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
		helper.doInit(component, event, helper) ;


	doInit : function(component, event, helper)  {
        helper.computeProgress(component, event, helper);
    computeProgress : function(component, event, helper)  {
        var totalVal = component.get("v.totalProgress");
        var actualVal = component.get("v.actualProgress"); 
        var threshold = component.get("v.threshold");
        var beforeTheme = component.get("v.themeBeforeThreshold");
        var afterTheme = component.get("v.themeAfterThreshold");
        if(totalVal && actualVal && !isNaN(parseInt(totalVal)) && isFinite(totalVal) && !isNaN(parseInt(actualVal)) && isFinite(actualVal)){
           //parameter is number 
            var percVal = parseInt(actualVal) / parseInt(totalVal) ;
            var progressVal = parseInt(  percVal * 360  ) ;
            if((percVal * 100) >= threshold){
                component.set("v.theme" , afterTheme );
                component.set("v.theme" , beforeTheme );
            component.set("v.cirDeg" , progressVal );
            component.set("v.perText" , parseInt(percVal * 100)  +'%' ); 
        }else if(actualVal){
            helper.callApexMethod(component, event, helper, totalVal, actualVal);
            //valuea are used directly 
            if(actualVal >= threshold){
                component.set("v.theme" , afterTheme );
                component.set("v.theme" , beforeTheme );
    callApexMethod : function(component, event, helper, txt_totalVal, txt_actualVal)  {
        var action = component.get('c.computePercentage');
        var txt_recordId = component.get("v.recordId");
        var txt_sObjectName = component.get("v.sObjectName");
            recordId : txt_recordId,
            sObjectName : txt_sObjectName,
            totalValueFieldName : txt_totalVal,
            actualValueFieldName : txt_actualVal
        action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
            if (a.getState() === 'SUCCESS') {
                var retObj =  JSON.parse(a.getReturnValue())  ; 
                var threshold = component.get("v.threshold");
        		var beforeTheme = component.get("v.themeBeforeThreshold");
        		var afterTheme = component.get("v.themeAfterThreshold");
                component.set("v.totalProgress" , );
                component.set("v.actualProgress" , retObj.actual ); 
                if( parseInt(retObj.val) >= threshold){
                	component.set("v.theme" , afterTheme );
                    component.set("v.theme" , beforeTheme );
                var progressVal = parseInt(  (retObj.val/100) * 360  ) ; 
                component.set("v.cirDeg" , progressVal );
                component.set("v.perText" , parseInt(retObj.val)  +'%' );              

    <design:attribute name="size" label="Size" datasource="small, medium, big" description="Size of the of the component" />
    <design:attribute name="totalProgress" label="Total" description="Either API Name of field Or numeric value showing total value to be used for computation" />
    <design:attribute name="actualProgress" label="Actual" description="Either API Name of field Or numeric value showing actual value to be used for computation" />
    <design:attribute name="Legend" label="Legend" description="Legend to be displayed." />
    <design:attribute name="resultFormat" label="Result Format" datasource="Percentage , Actual Number, Mix" description="Format of result to be displayed inside Circular Progress Bar. Allowed values are Percentage, Actual Number, Mix." />
    <design:attribute name="themeBeforeThreshold" label="Theme Before Threshold" datasource="blue, green , orange, red" description="Theme of the component before threshold" />
    <design:attribute name="themeAfterThreshold" label="Theme After Threshold" datasource="blue, green , orange, red" description="Theme of the component After threshold" />
    <design:attribute name="threshold" label="Threshold after which color needs to be chaged" description="This field can be used to support multiple theme after threshold value" /> 


        <code>c:CircularProgress</code> component can be used to display progress in circular bar format.
	<aura:example name="Example1" label="Examples of Circular Progress Component" ref="c:CircularProgressExample"> 


.THIS .clearFloats:before, .THIS .clearFloats:after 
    content: " "; 
    display: table !important;

.THIS  .clearFloats:after {clear: both;}
.THIS .clearFloats {*zoom: 1; }

.THIS .container .slice , .THIS .container.p50plus .slice
	clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);

.THIS .pie, .THIS .container .bar , .THIS .fill, .THIS .container.p50plus .fill{
	 position: absolute;
	  border: 0.08em solid #307bbb;
	  width: 0.84em;
	  height: 0.84em;
	  clip: rect(0em, 0.5em, 1em, 0em);
	  -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
	  -moz-border-radius: 50%;
	  -ms-border-radius: 50%;
	  -o-border-radius: 50%;
	  border-radius: 50%;
	  -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
	  -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
	  -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
	  -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
	  transform: rotate(0deg);

.THIS .pie-fill, .THIS .container.p50plus .bar:after, .THIS .container.p50plus .fill{
	 -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
	  -moz-transform: rotate(180deg);
	  -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
	  -o-transform: rotate(180deg);
	  transform: rotate(180deg);

.THIS .container {
	  position: relative;
	  font-size: 120px;
	  width: 1em;
	  height: 1em;
	  -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
	  -moz-border-radius: 50%;
	  -ms-border-radius: 50%;
	  -o-border-radius: 50%;
	  border-radius: 50%;
	  float: left;
	  margin: 0 0.1em 0.1em 0;
	  background-color: #cccccc;

.THIS .container *, .THIS .container *:before, .THIS .container *:after {
	  -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
	  -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
	  box-sizing: content-box;

	  float: none;
	  margin: 0 auto;
.THIS .container.big {
	  font-size: 240px;
.THIS .container.small {
	  font-size: 80px;
.THIS .container.medium {
	  font-size: 160px;

.THIS .container > span {
	  position: absolute;
	  width: 100%;
	  z-index: 1;
	  left: 0;
	  top: 0;
	  width: 5em;
	  line-height: 5em;
	  font-size: 0.2em;
	  color: #cccccc;
	  display: block;
	  text-align: center;
	  white-space: nowrap;
	  -webkit-transition-property: all;
	  -moz-transition-property: all;
	  -o-transition-property: all;
	  transition-property: all;
	  -webkit-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -moz-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -o-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
	  -moz-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
	  -o-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
	  transition-timing-function: ease-out;

.THIS .container:after {
	  position: absolute;
	  top: 0.08em;
	  left: 0.08em;
	  display: block;
	  content: " ";
	  -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
	  -moz-border-radius: 50%;
	  -ms-border-radius: 50%;
	  -o-border-radius: 50%;
	  border-radius: 50%;
	  background-color: whitesmoke;
	  width: 0.84em;
	  height: 0.84em;
	  -webkit-transition-property: all;
	  -moz-transition-property: all;
	  -o-transition-property: all;
	  transition-property: all;
	  -webkit-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -moz-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -o-transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  transition-duration: 0.2s;
	  -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in;
	  -moz-transition-timing-function: ease-in;
	  -o-transition-timing-function: ease-in;
	  transition-timing-function: ease-in;

.THIS .container .slice {
	  position: absolute;
	  width: 1em;
	  height: 1em;
	  clip: rect(0em, 1em, 1em, 0.5em);

.THIS .container:hover {
	  cursor: default;

.THIS .container:hover > span {
	  width: 3.33em;
	  line-height: 3.33em;
	  font-size: 0.3em; 

.THIS .container:hover:after {
	  top: 0.04em;
	  left: 0.04em;
	  width: 0.92em;
	  height: 0.92em;

.THIS .bar, .THIS .fill {
  border-color: #307bbb !important;

.THIS > span {
  color: #307bbb;

.THIS .bar, .THIS .fill {
  border-color: #4db53c !important;

.THIS > span {
  color: #4db53c;
.THIS .bar, .THIS .fill {
  border-color: #dd9d22 !important;

.THIS > span {
  color: #dd9d22;
.THIS .bar, .THIS .fill {
  border-color: #ff0000 !important;

.THIS > span {
  color: #ff0000;

    color: rgb(22, 50, 92);
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 1.25rem;
    color: rgb(22, 50, 92);
    font-size: 1.0rem;
    color: rgb(22, 50, 92);
    font-size: 0.7rem; 
    color: rgb(22, 50, 92);


<aura:component >    

<div class="slds-grid slds-p-top--xx-large">

<div class="slds-col">
            <c:CircularProgress themeAfterThreshold="blue" themeBeforeThreshold="red" size="medium" totalProgress="100" actualProgress="65" Legend="Result format Percentage" resultFormat="Percentage" threshold="50"/>              

<div class="slds-col">
            <c:CircularProgress themeAfterThreshold="orange" themeBeforeThreshold="red" size="medium" totalProgress="100" actualProgress="35" Legend="Result format Actual Number" resultFormat="Actual Number" threshold="25" />  

<div class="slds-col">
            <c:CircularProgress themeAfterThreshold="green" themeBeforeThreshold="red" size="medium" totalProgress="90" actualProgress="24" Legend="Result format Mix" resultFormat="Mix" threshold="10" />  

<div class="slds-col">
            <c:CircularProgress themeAfterThreshold="green" themeBeforeThreshold="red" size="medium" totalProgress="90" actualProgress="24" Legend="Threshold Second theme in Action" resultFormat="Mix" threshold="30" />  

Output :

Circular Progress Bar with multiple color
Circular Progress Bar with multiple color




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18 responses to “Circular Progress Bar with Conditional Theme – Salesforce Lightning Component”

  1. William Maus Avatar
    William Maus

    How would you put this in a visualforce page for use in Classic? Is there a solid framework to reuse lightning components similar to the other post?

  2. Marc swan Avatar
    Marc swan

    Do you have a test class for the Apex Class?

    1. Charles Avatar

      I really appreciate the component! I would to be able to deploy it, but I dont know where to begin for a test class. I was also hoping you’d have one for this.

      1. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

        Here you go. Blog post is updated with Test class and git repository as well.

    2. Jitendra Zaa Avatar

      Blog post is updated with Test class and git repository as well.

      1. Marc Swan Avatar
        Marc Swan

        Your test will fail until you add ‘public’ before ‘class WrapperJSON{‘ in your Apex Controller. Just a heads up. Otherwise the class is not visible.

  3. Bhargav Avatar

    Kudos Jitendra! Great post

  4. Kanika Dua Avatar
    Kanika Dua

    To use this Lightning component on Vf page you can use

    $Lightning.use(“c:CircularProgressApp”, function() {
    themeAfterThreshold :”blue”,
    themeBeforeThreshold:”#red” ,
    size: “medium”,
    totalProgress :”100″,
    actualProgress :”65″,
    Legend :”Result format Percentage”,
    resultFormat :”Percentage”,
    threshold :”50″
    function(cmp) {
    console.log(‘Component created, do something cool here’);

  5. Anushka Bansal Avatar
    Anushka Bansal

    I want to show text like ’24 available’ inside the ring but in 2 different lines. not able to achieve this. Can you please help me. I tried putting on line 35 of the component. But it doesnt give me the desired output

  6. M.Wahib Idris Avatar

    Great post Jitendra. I have noticed that, if you don’t specify anything (blank) in ‘Total’ design attribute, it takes default value of ‘100’ as per your apex:attribute which isn’t null, and makes the query like “SELECT 100, Actual_Value_Custom_Field__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: recordId” which causing SOQL query to break.

    So, I guess it would be beneficial for everyone, if you could highlight in your post that, if we aren’t specifying any value inTotal or Actual design attribute, we just need remove default value from apex:attribute something like this

    Thanks much.

    1. Steve Daniels Avatar
      Steve Daniels


      Absolute novice to saleforce development (im an admin) but am really keen to use this component in one of my pages….if anyone would like to help me add this to my org i would be greatly appreciative.

  7. Bogdan Avatar

    Hello I have install the component but it does not work with the api names of the fields, tried with several different ones: numeric fields, formula fields, etc. It seems to work when you input the nr manually. Do you know what might be the problem? Does it work for custom objects?

    1. Sam Avatar

      I’m having the same problem. Anyone figure this out?

    2. Sochy Avatar

      Seems if you are using a API name you need to do so for both Actual and Total; you cannot use a mixture of API name and numeric. I created a formula field with 100 to use for the total attribute.

  8. Swagger Avatar

    Hi Jitendra, Its a great example, can you please let us know if you the same in LWC?

  9. Dimi Avatar

    Is there a lwc version of this?

  10. Dimitrios Kolovopoulos Avatar
    Dimitrios Kolovopoulos

    Hi Jitendra – please could you provide us with the LWC version? I have attempted to upgrade myself but I am unable to render the progress bar filling correctly. It remains static at 180 degrees no matter the style I input.

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