This article will focus on getting generated dom element Id in Visualforce.
Let’s consider below code snap:
<apex:page> <apex:form id="frm"> Enter Value 1 : <apex:inputText id="txt1" /> </apex:form> </apex:page>
If you want to get the id of “apex:inputText” in javascript like belowCode
Var fld = document.getElementById("˜txt1');
It will NOT work.
Because its actual id will be something like “j_id0:frm:txt1“.
To get the Actual id in Visualforce page we have to use below line of code:
Var fld = document.getElementById("{!$Component.txt1}");
As you can see, we have to use below Syntax:
Case 1:
However there is one catch. If the element is present at several levels where Parents also have the Id then you have to write code like:
Case 2:
If your element is within form tag having no Id like :
<apex:page> <apex:form> Enter Value 1 : <apex:inputText id="txt1" /> </apex:form> </apex:page>
And you try to get the id like
Var fld = document.getElementById("{!$Component.txt1}");
It will NOT work.
You must have to give the Id to “apex:form“ element and access it.
Example Working code:
<apex:page> <apex:form id="frm"> Enter Value 1 : <apex:inputText id="txt1" /> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Get Id by using code:
Var fld = document.getElementById("{!$Component.frm.txt1}");
You might face problem in JQuery because of auto generated ID pattern of Salesforce, in that case this article “Handling Colon in Element ID in JQuery – Visualforce problem” will come handy.
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